Newbie question 2 DNS pfsense
For a test in large LOCAL network not connected to internet i want to test with 2 pfsense vm's . ( in total 100 ip's are used)
In both vm's the domain is set to MyLan.tst
nslookup to pfsense01 is ok, but not to Pfsense02, only if i add it to both pfsense01 and 02 manually.Pfsense01 main DNS DHCP and fixed IP's are used
Manually added fixed ip's in the PFsense dns works
PFsense01 for the Lan as main DNS for the lan as secondary DNS
In windows/linux i can set 2 DNS primary /secondairy.
Is there a simple way to sync the 2 pfsense01 and 02 to each other, so if 1 fails or shutdown the other 1 has all data.Or is this not going to work ?
Doesn't work that way..
Why do you think you need 2 dns? exactly? In case one fails? So your going to setup these pfsenses in carp?
In the test we have 2 location ~ 500 meters apart. In both buildings we have 1 EXSI machine. Our first plan was to install 1 pfsense on each location.
If have read about carp, and i think that we should use that.
I have to add 1 extra Vlan to sync the both pfsense units.
AS i have read 1 pfsense should be master the other slave. With Vlan 10
So we make the virtual DNS 10.10.10
Pfsense02 the sync we use then Vlan 99