Wan okay no lan
I am running pfsense on a esxi server which was working fine before a house move
I have two separate lan and wan interfaces assigned in esxi
I have assigned wan and wan to the correct interfaces based on the Mac address
Wan shows my cable modem IP no problem
But lan just shows lan (lan) >em1 >
And no IP
I have tried assigning it a interface IP without any luck
Any ideas
Thanks very much
Show the output of the command ifconfig from cliand still need to see syslog , there is no whether there any mistakes (Status/System Logs/System/General)
Thanks managed to get it working not sure what was going on
I am having issues connecting to my pc locally using its host name, however it works by ip any idea what could be stopping it resolving hostnames
Thanks very much
Like from another PC in the subnet?
Are you using pfSense for DHCP and DNS? Make sure you have set
Register DHCP leases in the DNS Resolver
in the DNS settings if so.Steve
yes from the same subnet and the register dhcp option was also ticked, the only way i could get it working was to use the DNS Forwarder and at as the 1st dns entry followed by an external dns entry?