Static Routing not working.......
Hi Guys,
I'm running the latest version of pfsense all working captive portal ldap snort etc..
Today I have tried to create a static route to my L3 Switch and created the gateway on the SW and on my PFsense next created the route and bam doesn't work then virtualized a sophos utm set it up and bam working.So nothing wrong with my network setup it is my pfsense not using the gateway.
I have also re created all FW rules just on case gateways are 2 and on auto nothing works
Is there any ongoing issue with pfsense routing?
No. No ongoing issues.
You're going to have to give far more details.
Hi, sure what do you need?
As I said before it works fine using sophos but I like pfsense more so I want to make it work.
Pfsense is running on esxi all vlans are correct and network setup ok or it wouldn't work with sophos.
Pfsense services are ldap auth, captive portal, snort, pfblockerng, vpn using Radius AD and all working.I wonder If I have to whitelist the switch mac address on captive portal?
I'll try that..
LOL yes it was that my captive portal was blocking the entire thing.
Can be closed :)