routing between two subnets
creating a static rule between two subnets
dear all,
here in our network we have two subnets first subnet is and the second subnet which is the LAN interface of PFSENSE server and pfsense WAN interface is in range 0, I created a firewall rule so I can enter the webconfigurator from the WAN interface, I also created static route on my desktop from range 0 to range 3 the interface is pfsense gateway interface now I'm able to ping clients in range 3 from my computer, but when I try to RDP a computer from range 0 to range 3 I notice that the connection is not stable at all, am I doing something wrong or am I missing something in order to make the connection stable
Best -
You should connect any private Subnets to LAN, OPT1, OPT2, ... Interface and public/untrusted networks to WAN.
@rico can you please explain more?
I want all users to access the other subnet through pfsense's WAN interface
You would normally have both private subnets as internal interfaces on pfSense but here you have pfSense inside your network presumably behind some other router for some reason.
Check for blocked traffic when you're using RDP in the firewall log.
Do you have the WAN firewall rules open for all the appropriate ports and destination?