Carp interface master
I am configuring 2 pfsense firewall in HA using CARP. After settuping my CARP, I added some interfaces. But on both my firewalls, they are master. Only the 3 interfaces I setup first are taking backup/master. Is it normal? Does it mean there is something wrong in my config?
I have no idea what to do...
Can someone help me? -
Probably something wrong in your configuration. Most likely either the interfaces are not assigned in the same order, leading to a mismatch, or there is an L2 issue preventing the firewalls from communicating properly. There are some other possibilities, plenty of info in the docs and hangouts.
They are in the same order. And all my rules and stuff are syncing so..
Sounds like whatever is between those two nodes on those interfaces is not passing the CARP advertisements properly.