HA Sync - Lab Testing Ideas.
Hi Team.
I want to test / practice PFSync and HA in a lab environment. I have a spare supermicro pizzabox appliance with 4 10gbe interfaces on the front. Any suggestions on rigging up a 2nd unit. As long as specs are similar and it also has enough interfaces we should be OK??
Mitch. -
Everything needs to match. If you have:
WAN wan ix0
LAN lan ix1
OPT1 opt1 ix2.200
OPT2 opt2 ix2.201The other node needs to be exactly the same. I generally use Status > Interfaces when checking for matches since that one page gives you the description (OPT1), the internal interface name (opt1), and the physical/virtual interface name (ix2.200).
Firewall rules are synced primary -> secondary to the same internal interface name (opt2 -> opt2).
States are synced bi-directionally to the physical/virtual interface (ix2.200 <-> ix2.200)
Technically the interface descriptive name can be different but why not make them match?
Things like amount of RAM, storage, CPU don't matter that much in a lab environment as long as you are aware of the limitations and work based on the size of the lower-capacity node.
Another option is just putting proxmox, etc on the supermicro and use VMs. then you can do hosts behind them, VPNs to other nodes, etc.
Thanks Sir! Really appreciated, I will let you know how I get on.
Hi Derelict.
Was able to get this setup. Worked a treat, easy as! Thanks for your help