Cannot acess my Siemens LOGO with chrome even with my port forwarded
I have a Siemens Logo PLC with an ip and port 102 forwarded.
I can access it with an app (Logo 0ba8) via android just putting my public ip adress and the port and see his status, but I cannot access it via chrome, when i put the PUBLICIPADRESS:102 on chrome and opera mobile i receive the status "ERR_UNSAFE_PORT". Below some images of my configuration
Theres something more that i have to do to see his status on chrome?
@Guinsanity has nothing to do with pfSense. -
seems that theres no way to solve on android chrome, i tried with opera too
Choose an external port that's considered safe.
But you should really use a VPN to access internal resources, opening such devices to the WAN is pretty stupid.