Unable to retrieve package information on Netgate SG-1100 with pfsense 2.4.4_2
This is the error I am getting. Is there any way to reflash? Any new updates coming soon?
Please open a ticket at https://go.netgate.com and we can help you get moving again.
Since this is an SG-1100 can you also tell us the output of the following commands:
/usr/local/sbin/ping-auth -s
/usr/bin/openssl ec -in /etc/thoth/key.pem -noout -text
the pub: block from that
@chrismacmahon said in Unable to retrieve package information on Netgate SG-1100 with pfsense 2.4.4_2:
/usr/bin/openssl ec -in /etc/thoth/key.pem -noout -text
thanks I did
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