VPN options missing ?
Hey folks,
I upgraded two boxes to March 20th snapshot. First, kudos for some great work! For the most part things have been smooth sailing.I have noticed that some options seem to be missing from various VPN setup screens. Perhaps they are elsewhere and I'm just not seeing them - if that is the case, I'd appreciate some guidance.
first, L2TP -> most clients (the iPhone and OSX included) require a shared secret for l2tp. I don't see any place to set that shared secret within PFsense
Secondly, OpenVPN is missing the entire advanced options screen. I have been using Dev TAP for quite a while and have been very pleased with it. Is there a way to re-enable that functionality?
Thanks in advance!
-N -
Get next snapshot i added the secret option to l2tp.
Get next snapshot i added the secret option to l2tp.
Wonderful, thanks so much Ermal!
Any thoughts about dev tap and OpenVPN?
Thanks again!
I made the upgrade to the March 26th snapshot and do indeed see the field for shared secret.However, it is still failing and without comprehensive logs (osx client logging stinks, nothing on PFsense yet) its hard to say why.
Anyone have any insight?