SG-2220 broken after reboot
My SG-2220 ran for a couple of years now, but just today it seems to have died. I wanted to access the web-GUI, which did not respond. I've had this many times in the past, so I decided to just reboot the device.
After waiting for a while, it turned out it didn't come back online. Looking at the LEDs, status is permanent orange, with both LAN ports having lights permanently on.
The reset-button seems to do nothing, and when connecting via USB console, I don't get any output at all.So is the device dead? Can I rescue it or is it time to buy a new one? :/
Please open a ticket with our support team at
Include the Serial number of the device for a faster response.
I've contacted the support team, thanks.
Since I might need to get a new box anyway, where can I buy pfsense appliances in germany? I've found only, however I cannot order the box, since they only sell to companies.
In 2015 I've bought the SG-2200 at, however they don't seem to sell pfsense appliances anymore.
Where can I buy the SG-1100? Or is there a thread with recommended hardware I could get instead?
Our partner locater might be of help:
I've checked the partner locator already. It only yields the aforementioned store, and a couple of more companies which dont have direct shop access but rather offer consulting and enterprise services.
I was able to order it from france at for a slightly higher shipping fee, however.