computer build advice
I have comcast with there full one gig speed and a modem 3.1 cm1100 it have one internert port and i want to do pfsense as i need router to have more ports as I have Netgear r8000 and i want to push my land ports to full gig speeds.
hardware i own now
It my first pfsense build
What hardware do i need to get full gig speeds or more ports for it?
What pc do i need and will quad intel 5 or intel 7 work better?
is there diffrence ssd sata vs m.2 speed?
I want to use ac and i am upgrading to ax wifi 6 can i still use them in pfsense with computer?
Skip the wireless on the pfsense computer, it's not a good choice.
And, they've been talking about hardware builds, rack mount in this case, for about the last 4 months.
Keep in mind, by the time you build something beefy to support full gigabit routing, you're going to be really close to either the SG-3100, or the SG-5100 in terms of cost. Those boxes both support gigabit routing.
SG-3100, or the SG-5100 what the differences how much will they cost me as can i still keep my wifi as house they do use ac and may use ax wifi.
I have computer build i never use that can use 1151 intel as i could buy intel 5 and m.2 for 350 as not sure how much worth that build be for pfsense.
I apologize, I can't really follow what you are saying. Is English your primary language, or something else?
You can use the Netgear R8000 for wifi behind pfSense. It probably has a wifi access point mode but even if not you can set it up to do that. that is socket 1151 will likely pass Gigabit traffic, firewall and NAT, without any problems.
The speed of boot media is not important with pfSense unless you are running, for example, Squid to cache web traffic.
@akuma1x i am bilingual my grammar kinda bad