New User to pfSense - some doubts
Doesn't matter if it only allows source IPs.. it is allowing to ANY ANY as dest.. So if user had a port forward to say 443 behind pfsense.. And it created a any any rule above that even if locked down to only NA... It now allows access to pfsense web gui and anything else that listens on pfsense wan, say dns, etc. etc.
Which is BAD!!! I just installed that version, enabled it and did an update.. No rules on the WAN, only the rule on my lan blocking outbound access to stuff.
@johnpoz said in New User to pfSense - some doubts:
Doesn't matter if it only allows source IPs.. it is allowing to ANY ANY as dest.. So if user had a port forward to say 443 behind pfsense.. And it created a any any rule above that even if locked down to only NA... It now allows access to pfsense web gui and anything else that listens on pfsense wan, say dns, etc. etc.
Which is BAD!!! I just installed that version, enabled it and did an update.. No rules on the WAN, only the rule on my lan blocking outbound access to stuff.
Then I have no clue how that rule got there and where it came from.
I may have to chalk it up to trying to learn too much too fast over the last 3 days. -
pfBlocker just by itself can be pretty confusing IMO. There's a LOT there to take it.
I like to have full control of what rules are where which is why I recommend the Native Aliases approach. It's easier to understand the resulting ruleset when you have added everything yourself.
pfSense is guilty of that in other areas, you have to add firewall rules to allow OpenVPN traffic but IPSec traffic is passed by default by rules added automatically. You can disable that at least. If we changed that now it would break hundreds of thousands of VPNs though!
So I see this warning
Also consider protecting just the specific open WAN ports and it's just as important to protect the outbound LAN traffic.
And if you open the advanced, you can limit to specific ports..
But yeah if just set to inbound us, it creates this rule
===[ Aliastables / Rules ]================================ Firewall rule changes found, applying Filter Reload
Yeah this is a HORRIBLE implementation... Just freaking HORRIBLE!!
That should be limited to wan address on specific PORTS, unless the user changes it... Then that would be on them.. But I can see how new users might just open wide their wan... Arrrgghhh!!
Or anything behind pfsense if they had a routed netblock, etc. etc.
paging @BBcan177 again, I don't see how such a thing would be ok... Ultimately its on the admin of the firewall to understand what they are doing, and what is set... But pfsense does try and keep the users from shooting themselves in the foot.. This is not doing that at all..
@johnpoz said in New User to pfSense - some doubts:
So I see this warning
Also consider protecting just the specific open WAN ports and it's just as important to protect the outbound LAN traffic.
And if you open the advanced, you can limit to specific ports..
But yeah if just set to inbound us, it creates this rule
===[ Aliastables / Rules ]================================ Firewall rule changes found, applying Filter Reload
Yeah this is a HORRIBLE implementation... Just freaking HORRIBLE!!
That should be limited to wan address on specific PORTS, unless the user changes it... Then that would be on them.. But I can see how new users might just open wide their wan... Arrrgghhh!!
So I'm not nuts or insane?......
I gave the system the benefit of the doubt that it was performing some kind of "magic" on the back end.Then checked to see if my system was compromised in any way from outside my network and couldn't find any compromises or openings etc. I agree those settings could be dangerous but again, it didn't seem to allow the access it appears it would. maybe because of redundant filters I had setup on the Opt1 and LAN interfaces.
I ALSO changed the port on which the WebConfigurator resides early on. I didn't like it on port 80 at all.
In the past when I had played with this, I had always just used the aliases in my own rules.. This really needs to be changed to force the user to easy select their wan address as destination or the any, vs forcing them to use an alias. And it should WARN them about ANY as destination especially above all other rules on the wan,
@johnpoz said in New User to pfSense - some doubts:
In the past when I had played with this, I had always just used the aliases in my own rules.. This really needs to be changed to force the user to easy select their wan address as destination or the any, vs forcing them to use an alias. And it should WAN them about ANY as destination especially above all other rules on the wan,
Totally agree.
But would still like to hear from the developer to make sure there is no "back end" magic going on here.Seems to write something like this they would know better, right?
also, Jon....this is probably a totally different topic but....
You said you have no WAN rules, only outgoing LAN rules.....correct?If you have no WAN rules, then everything inbound at least (probably outbound as well) "should" be blocked by default, right? WAN is your "gateway" to external ie the Internet.
So how then does anyone get to your server?
Only way a server is available to the public that I know of is specific WAN rules that allow traffic inbound.Such as ALLOW from * * TO 'server address' 'server port'
And most often, it involves Natting from your Public IP address to the server's IP (which is usually Opt1)
Just curious. Always ready and eager to learn something new.
Yes, that's true. Without any pass rules on WAN no external clients can open a connection to a server behind the firewall.
However traffic from LAN side client can still open outbound connections as long as there are pass rules on LAN to allow it in.
Sorry, initially I though that was what you were trying to do. It's a common misconception to put pass rules on WAN to allow traffic out.
Technically the pf packet filter that pfSense is built on can filter traffic in both directions on all interfaces. pfSense configures it to allow traffic out on all interfaces by default and filter traffic in according to the user rules.
The only exception to that are rules on the floating tab that can be applied outbound. But don't worry about that until you're familiar with the normal rules.Steve
@HansSolo said in New User to pfSense - some doubts:
You said you have no WAN rules, only outgoing LAN rules.....correct?
I guess I can answer that one on behalf of @johnpoz (as he said so above) :
He has some pass firewall rules on his WAN interface, created when building the a NAT rules.
An incoming UDP port 123 directed to his NTP server.
An incoming TCP port 80/443 directed to his Plex server.
Probably a VPN UDP port too. -
How do you have your port forwards configured? Specifically "Filter rule association" ??
@johnpoz said in New User to pfSense - some doubts:
@HansSolo said in New User to pfSense - some doubts:
So are you also agreeing that pfSenseBlockerNG has incorrectly configured their settings?
NO!!! I just ran through the wizard and it didn't create single rule on my WAN!!
pfBlockerNG 2.1.4_16 here.. Yep- no wizard on NG.
It does not do any good to modify those rules because an update will rewrite them back to the way they were.. -
@chpalmer said in New User to pfSense - some doubts:
@johnpoz said in New User to pfSense - some doubts:
@HansSolo said in New User to pfSense - some doubts:
So are you also agreeing that pfSenseBlockerNG has incorrectly configured their settings?
NO!!! I just ran through the wizard and it didn't create single rule on my WAN!!
pfBlockerNG 2.1.4_16 here.. Yep- no wizard on NG.
It does not do any good to modify those rules because an update will rewrite them back to the way they were..Whoa!
I just ran into this on my pfSense machine.
I had changed ALL those rules and then a bit later when I went back it had reset them ALL to ANY ANY.Anyone know what's going on? Is it SUPPOSED to re-write them back to ANY ANY ????
That's what pfBlocker does, it creates and maintains those rules. But you can set what port and destination it uses:
Or you can set the list action to alias only and then add the rules manually. Which is what I would do.
@HansSolo said in New User to pfSense - some doubts:
You said you have no WAN rules, only outgoing LAN rules.....correct?
What I meant is pfblocker didn't create any wan rules... Only a lan rule filtering traffic to ad sites, etc.
I do have multiple inbound wan rules that "I" created..
@stephenw10 said in New User to pfSense - some doubts:
That's what pfBlocker does, it creates and maintains those rules. But you can set what port and destination it uses:
Or you can set the list action to alias only and then add the rules manually. Which is what I would do.
I think I'll do it like you do , manually.
Wasn't aware of this configuration requirement. That's on me.Thanks for this. It's all a learning curve.
@HansSolo said in New User to pfSense - some doubts:
I think I'll do it like you do , manually.
Wasn't aware of this configuration requirement. That's on me.Im not sure Id call that a configuration requirement but more an option.
In my case I block from a few areas to several addresses. So an any destination works for me.
As mentioned don't allow all to any on your WAN..
@chpalmer said in New User to pfSense - some doubts:
How do you have your port forwards configured? Specifically "Filter rule association" ??
@HansSolo said in New User to pfSense - some doubts:
So maybe, as I mentioned, it's a problem with the GeoIP database. Giving pfsense the benefit of the doubt, I'd bet a nickel that the foreign IP addresses making it through are in the USA database because those block do occasionally change the countries they are allocated to. ONE of the IP's that whistled right past pfsense is this one....
This IP is in South America (Brazil) as per MaxMind:
mmdblookup -f /usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb -i
{ "continent": { "code": "SA" <utf8_string> "geoname_id": 6255150 <uint32> "names": { "de": "Südamerika" <utf8_string> "en": "South America" <utf8_string> "es": "Sudamérica" <utf8_string> "fr": "Amérique du Sud" <utf8_string> "ja": "南アメリカ" <utf8_string> "pt-BR": "América do Sul" <utf8_string> "ru": "Южная Америка" <utf8_string> "zh-CN": "南美洲" <utf8_string> } } "country": { "geoname_id": 3469034 <uint32> "iso_code": "BR" <utf8_string> "names": { "de": "Brasilien" <utf8_string> "en": "Brazil" <utf8_string> "es": "Brasil" <utf8_string> "fr": "Brésil" <utf8_string> "ja": "ブラジル連邦共和国" <utf8_string> "pt-BR": "Brasil" <utf8_string> "ru": "Бразилия" <utf8_string> "zh-CN": "巴西" <utf8_string> } } "registered_country": { "geoname_id": 3469034 <uint32> "iso_code": "BR" <utf8_string> "names": { "de": "Brasilien" <utf8_string> "en": "Brazil" <utf8_string> "es": "Brasil" <utf8_string> "fr": "Brésil" <utf8_string> "ja": "ブラジル連邦共和国" <utf8_string> "pt-BR": "Brasil" <utf8_string> "ru": "Бразилия" <utf8_string> "zh-CN": "巴西" <utf8_string> } } }
Also see these threads: -
@HansSolo said in New User to pfSense - some doubts:
As far as the country blocking, do you find that countries that are supposed to be blocked sometimes slip through?
So far in my experiments with pfsense, too many are "slipping" through and being so new to pfSense, I'm not sure why.
Do you know a way to examine the pfSenseBlockerNG files to see if a specific IP address is in it? I'd like to confirm just a few times that foreign IPs that are supposed to be blocked are NOT in the files just so I know why they're getting through because if they ARE in the file and still getting through, that's a whole different story.I think your issue is that you selected "Represented ISOs" in the North America Tab: