List individual IPs
I have a printer in the middle of my lease range. Is there a way to remove that IP from the range? Or do I need to set a group up to but excluding that IP, then another range after it?
Very new to pfsense, just got it running Monday. -
I would renumber the printer to get it out of your DHCP scope. If that isn't possible then yes, you can go around that one address by specifying multiple pools.
@KOM It's a matter of workload. Go to each computer and change the printer info, or exclude the single IP from DHCP. Which way is more efficient? I'll probably change the IP of the printer and go touch 20 computers. Make the leases less complicated.
Sometimes doing it right takes a little longer, and 20 PCs isn't really that much. If it was me, I would change the printer and then push it down via group policy but whatever works best for you.