PFSense Installation: Not working with CenturyLink
So I am fairly new to PFSense and I am have trouble with installing into my setup. I currently have CenturyLink bonded DSL for my service I believe is VDSL2 or ADSL2. I have the CenturyLink modem hooked up and it works fine, it’s on transparent bridge mode to my current Netgear router configured with PPPoe, but I need to change that router out with PFSense because I am not happy with the performance I am getting with the Netgear one.
My whole problem is trying to get my PFSense box to obtain a up address from the isp which I can’t seem to get because I keep getting what I believe is authentication errors with the PPPoe. The WAN just shows a down state like nothing is connected and I have rebooted my modem and PFSense many many time trying to see if that would fix the issue but it has not. I heard someone say something about CenturyLink using VLAN tagging on 201 so I gave that a try and the link showed up but it still failed to authenticate and grab an ip from the Isp
Any help would be very much appreciated
@arutkow Create a new VLAN on WAN interface..Change the Wan to new pppoe,input user & pass, .finally change the WAN to new PPPOE will work
@ajmaltms I have already tried that but it seems like the chap authentication fails- unless maybe I’m setting the vlan up wrong
If you didn't have to configure anything special with your netgear it is highly unlikely that you need to configure anything special with pfSense no matter what you read on the internet.
@Derelict Yes that’s true the Netgear did not require anything but the PPPoe but the PFSense won’t obtain a ip for some reason, I don’t know if a settings issue
I would reboot the pfSense and when it completed, then reboot/repowered your CenturyLink modem. You'll then obtain an IP address for WAN.