Time Clock
Good afternoon.
I have a pfsense server with 2 dedicated links: wcs and tim.and I have another branch with pfsense tb, with tim dhcp and wcs dedicated.
I needed to make this second branch's time clock communicate with my 1st base ad.
I created a rule opening port 51000 but it didn't work
Create a site to site vpn between your sites that need to access resources..
but here that branch office has no file server
what does a file server have to do with a site to site vpn?
https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/book/openvpn/site-to-site-example-configuration-shared-key.html -
@johnpoz said in Time Clock:
pn between
can you help me?? I'm kind of a layman on these things
like I need -
Read up on what site to site vpn is.. read the pfsense book, link in my signature.
What is the network on site A, what on site B? Its going to be way more complicated if they overlap?
If one is say 192.168.1/24 and other is 192.168.2/24 then its really easy.
Yes I have.
both servers have the same configuration
the only difference that at 1 point i have the ad and the other n -
well if both sites have the same network.. ie say then yeah its going to be complex MESS trying to get a box on site A to talk to a B at site B..
So step 1 would be to change one of the sites to a different network say
The problem that if in base b I change the access ip him, he cuts the internet connection
In this other I have a vpn configured for use with ad.
can you switch to another use? -
Dude not talking about changing 1 device, you need to change the whole network so they are different doesn't matter what side..
Maybe it would be a good idea for you to hire someone to do this project for you.