IPSec problem with SIP devices
I need a help of all you guys!
Side A (Pfsense 2.4.) and Side B (Mikrotik 6.42.4) are connected on IPsec. All services works fine. But, strange things happen when I restart IPsec service. I have SIP devices connected to Cloud Pabx. When its happen, calls between SIP devices not works, its heppen just from side A. The provider Cloud Pabx suggested for me to take a look at the Arp table and I did anything, but I still no luck. From side A, the DHCP Server is at Windows server. My question is, If I put the DHCP Server at PFsense I could solve this problem?Any help I appreciate.
@brunoaleotte Your SIP devices connected to Cloud just through default WAN route?
explain your network -
@viktor_g Yes!
The SIP devices just connected to cloud just through Wan1 (Default). Although, I have setted failover in both sides, but I have just created rules for all devices that access the cloud host, have to just through to Wan1. When I restart the SIPs, this service works fine. -
Try to restart IPsec by using Disconnect/Connect button under IPsec status page.What you do when call between SIP devices not work? Reboot these devices?
@viktor_g I did restart IPsec that the way you have said, but the problem is when the IPsec conected call between SIP devices not work.
Yes, I do! When I reboot the devices work again!
show System / Routing page, Diagnostics / Routes and Status / Interfaces