I have made a HA cfg with two Dell R420 and i have cfg a lot of time reinstall the pfsense, and almost everything is working but i get this XMLRP error.
If i made some change it replicates two the secondary node so the ha is working.
The error i get continuosly:Sep 4 18:37:09 php-fpm 56930 /rc.filter_synchronize: New alert found: A communications error occurred while attempting to call XMLRPC method restore_config_section:
Sep 4 18:37:09 php-fpm 56930 /rc.filter_synchronize: A communications error occurred while attempting to call XMLRPC method restore_config_section:
Sep 4 18:36:08 php-fpm 56930 /rc.filter_synchronize: Beginning XMLRPC sync data to
Sep 4 18:36:08 php-fpm 56930 /rc.filter_synchronize: New alert found: A communications error occurred while attempting to call XMLRPC method restore_config_section:
Sep 4 18:36:08 php-fpm 56930 /rc.filter_synchronize: A communications error occurred while attempting to call XMLRPC method restore_config_section:
Sep 4 18:35:08 php-fpm 56930 /rc.filter_synchronize: Beginning XMLRPC sync data to
Sep 4 18:35:08 php-fpm 56930 /rc.filter_synchronize: XMLRPC versioncheck: 19.1 -- 19.1
Sep 4 18:35:08 php-fpm 56930 /rc.filter_synchronize: XMLRPC reload data success with (pfsense.host_firmware_version).
Sep 4 18:35:08 php-fpm 56930 /rc.filter_synchronize: Beginning XMLRPC sync data to
Sep 4 18:35:07 check_reload_status Syncing firewallThis is on the first node, on the secondary there are no log entry for this.
I have searched the forum but nothing usefull i found.
Anybody has a good solution for this?
Thanks for the help!
Seriously nonody have any idea for this? :/
I found this error but no ide what is the problem.
There are no default deny rule in my ha interface, no bogon network enabled.
@bolvar said in HA XMLRPC error:
There are no default deny rule in my ha interface
All interfaces have a default deny, its just not shown in the gui
All of that traffic is out of state anyway - so yeah would be blocked. Notice the A in the flags of the traffic.. Those are Fin, Ack and even see one RST, Ack..
If there is no state, then traffic is blocked - unless its a SYN which would open a new state if the rules allow the traffic.
Hmm okey, but if i made a rule for this problem, why dont it workes?
Not sure what you think the problem is, that traffic is not syn.. Its out of state via the A... What rule are you creating? One that allows out of state traffic? That would be not a fix to why the traffic is out of state.
Out of state traffic can be a sign of asymmetrical traffic, it can be indication that states have been reset, etc. There are many things that "could" cause it.. You need to look to why the traffic is out of state.
Yeah im not a pro in pfsense thats true :D. The problem is what i dont understand in the link says that the pocket lost, and it send its again, but how can this be posible, its a direct cable.
because it didn't get an answer, because its blocked by the firewall looks like ;)
But why :D . I made a rule to communicate from the second to the primary, but it didnt solve the problem. Could the xmlrpc error came from this? -
Are you seeing syn blocks? If you do not see a SYN in the blocks then your only out of state..
@bolvar said in HA XMLRPC error:
But why :D . I made a rule to communicate from the second to the primary, but it didnt solve the problem. Could the xmlrpc error came from this?Because that indicates asymmetric traffic. Like you forcing it out to one interface instead of the one it should or would be taking. Then you end up with traffic that comes from/to an interface, that was not expected. You'd have to show your rules, gateways, routing etc. to see where that may come from. And why you have traffic from the firewall on port 80. Did you disable HTTPS for the WebUI?
that is the sync traffic.. makes no sense that there would be any issues.. But as you stated we have no actual details of how he has everything configured or connected.
Aye, if there's some "route everything via VPN" or other such tidbits in play, hell knows what hoops the traffic will hop through ;)
Would seem odd it would send traffic out a vpn since its a directly attached interface.. Maybe he just need to restart the sync process? Not a lot of ha experience, but would seem almost impossible to mess up to be honest since it is suppose to be a dedicated connection via a wire between the 2 boxes.
But all of the traffic looks to be out of state, since there are no syn's blocked. And looks like something wanting to close the connection since there is Fin and RST even in there.
Are those outbound blocks, sure looks like it, just noticed that - see the little black arrows?
That makes ZERO sense! So some floating rule, not sure how you could even do default deny rule outbound on an interface?
Aye, we have quite some cluster customers, but never seen that on a Sync interface. The original error is one we have on 1-2 locations, too, though, but nothing with that kind of OOS traffic
What not make sense, is i think i have found the problem.
Under System/Routing/Gateways if i disable the Gateway Monitoring the problem gone...What the f**k.
At the sync he checks the interfaces states?I have only 1 public ip, so on my wan interface i have a private ip.
The problem could came from this?
I have no idea how you would be getting outbound blocking? It does not do that out of the box - you must of put in a floating rule.
And you prob had something setup to flush states on gateway loss? Not sure why you would setup a gateway on your sync interface?? That makes no sense to do such a thing. What would you even set it too?
There are no gw on the sync interface.
I have no floating rule set up.
So this is a big question how realy this ha workes, beacause now i feel the outdate-ed netgate video and setup is a crap. -
Very odd to be sure... I would hope someone with more HA experience could chime in.. While I have setup a HA for play in vm.. Never ran into such blocks..
Is this the video your talking about?
https://www.slideshare.net/NetgateUSA/high-availability-on-pfsense-24-pfsense-hangout-march-2017 -
Nothing magical about XMLRPC sync. It's just a TCP/HTTPS connection to the webgui port on the secondary.
I suppose on the sending node that could happen if something has killed the state.
Do you have state killing on gateway failure enabled in System > Advanced, Miscellaneous?
But how/why would it be an outbound block?