How does "viralator" work?
Could , please, someone explaind me how to use viralator? I have installed it and I don´t know where to find it (no services, no logs,…)
Thanks in advance
Viralator is a redirector for use with squid. In order to use it, you need to install squid and configure squid to use viralator as a redirector. I have not look at how Fernando coded the packages so I don't know how much of this is done for you automagically. I know that a lot of heavy development has been done on squid and may still be going on, so this solution may not be entirely stable. If you're just wanting to do AV scanning of inbound HTTP traffic, you might use HAVP for now until the squid and viralator packages firm up.
Hi !
How i can contact with Fernando? -;u=268