IPv6 manual PD
@JKnott said in IPv6 manual PD:
I was thinking he should have both ULA and GUA. If he doesn't have either, there's some other problem.
Which is what I believe as well.
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There are problems with that.
When I have to reboot I:
- Delete the ULA IP Alias VIPs from LAN and DMZ
- Edit/Save WAN to kick off DHCP6 and Track interface
- Put the ULA VIPs back on LAN and DMZ
After that I am good until I have to reboot the firewall again. That is the current state of things. If that is unacceptable for you then pfSense, as it exists right now, might not be a good fit for your requirements.
$ ifconfig vlan0 vlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 options=3<RXCSUM,TXCSUM> ether a8:60:b6:19:15:fe inet6 fe80::18f3:9042:2cd0:8d8%vlan0 prefixlen 64 secured scopeid 0xd inet6 2600:face:0ff:9501:ca2:7504:b2dc:4842 prefixlen 64 autoconf secured inet6 2600:face:0ff:9501:b567:3b2f:300f:398c prefixlen 64 deprecated autoconf temporary inet6 fd8c:9857:66db:1:4c9:e132:ee:396a prefixlen 64 autoconf secured inet6 fd8c:9857:66db:1:10d2:3eb7:aefc:d655 prefixlen 64 deprecated autoconf temporary inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast inet6 2600:face:0ff:9501::145a prefixlen 64 dynamic inet6 2600:face:0ff:9501:1123:95df:fb97:3e4c prefixlen 64 deprecated autoconf temporary inet6 fd8c:9857:66db:1:1123:95df:fb97:3e4c prefixlen 64 deprecated autoconf temporary inet6 2600:face:0ff:9501:b529:c61f:f4f5:ba3a prefixlen 64 deprecated autoconf temporary inet6 fd8c:9857:66db:1:b529:c61f:f4f5:ba3a prefixlen 64 deprecated autoconf temporary inet6 2600:face:0ff:9501:1dd:5877:4758:d9d2 prefixlen 64 deprecated autoconf temporary inet6 fd8c:9857:66db:1:1dd:5877:4758:d9d2 prefixlen 64 deprecated autoconf temporary inet6 2600:face:0ff:9501:551d:4e96:bb81:e2f7 prefixlen 64 deprecated autoconf temporary inet6 fd8c:9857:66db:1:551d:4e96:bb81:e2f7 prefixlen 64 deprecated autoconf temporary inet6 2600:face:0ff:9501:ecb6:32ad:85b6:8a8e prefixlen 64 deprecated autoconf temporary inet6 fd8c:9857:66db:1:ecb6:32ad:85b6:8a8e prefixlen 64 deprecated autoconf temporary inet6 2600:face:0ff:9501:3c69:b7aa:a84:284 prefixlen 64 autoconf temporary inet6 fd8c:9857:66db:1:3c69:b7aa:a84:284 prefixlen 64 autoconf temporary nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD> vlan: 223 parent interface: en0 media: autoselect (1000baseT <full-duplex>) status: active
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@Derelict said in IPv6 manual PD:
Delete the ULA IP Alias VIPs from LAN and DMZ
Edit/Save WAN to kick off DHCP6 and Track interface
Put the ULA VIPs back on LAN and DMZ@Derelict, would you mind elaborating on deleting and putting back the ULA VIPs as referred to above ?
Firewall > Virtual IPs
Would you believe it. That was the last place I never check. Doh ! Thanks.