Show Config
I'm not sure if this will help anybody else, or even if something like this already exists but…if its worth something, great!
I needed to see the pfsense config, not as it is in the xml file, but as constructed in the php array -- since my dull mind can't correspond the two in certain situations. So, I wrote the below php in your /usr/local/www, browse to it, and enjoy. You'll need to view source to see the white space formatting since it gives you clean text, not html.
include(''); include(''); function print_arr($array, $prefix = ''){ foreach($array as $key => $val){ $output = $prefix . $key . "=>"; if(!is_array($val)) $output .= $val; $output .= "\n"; print $output; if(is_array($val)) print_arr($val, $prefix . "\t"); } } print_arr($config); ?>