@free4 Thanks for the answer. The laptop had a wifi icon with the ? and if I tried to reconnect, the "you are connected" window would appear, which was not true.
@ilarioQ this is a known bug
it happened because you reconfigured the captive portal while some users were connected to it...
bug report & technical details of the issue : https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/8616
the issue has been fixed in the "development" version and won't appear in the next pfsense release (2.5.0)
I know that this problem is very annoying. To this date, you have 4 options :
- Click on "Disconnect All" every time you reboot your pfSense or edit some captive portal settings
- Install on your pfSense the patch that has been chosen to address this issue. the guidelines for installing this patch can be found here.
- Downgrade your pfSense to a previous version. This issue is present on all 2.4.X version, 2.3.X are unaffected. Because of the multiple production and security fixes made in 2.4.4 I would not recommend doing this however.
- Upgrade your pfsense to the "development" version. I would not recommend doing this either, since your appliance is currently in production
@free4 No! I didn't touch the captive portal I was working with scribus!
@free4 The captive portal of the 2.4 series simply has a problem and Netgate should make it easier to update the system. I understand that making it simple would reduce the number of requests for paid assistance and it is not in their interest.
@ilarioQ I can confirm you that the "you are connected" issue is coming from a desync between ipfw and the sqlite db containing users. this desync is usually happening when reconfiguring the captive portal or rebooting the appliance
the patch is fixing that problem...you should try it
@free4 Thanks, I read the links. Unfortunately the procedure is too complex for my technical level and my lack of knowledge of English.
I will keep my sg1100 that is not working... -
@ilarioQ said in Disconnetct!:
I will keep my sg1100 that is not working...
Again : as long as you - and everybody else, doesn't safe and/or modify Captif Portal settings, the ipfw firewall doesn't get restarted, and thus you will not be bothered by this error.
Btw : this has been de classified as being rocket science :
Install the package called "System patches" :
You will have now a new menu option in the system menu :
Click on it, and click on the green button :
Now read this port - everything after the "EDIT : Netgate decided to ..." text https://forum.netgate.com/topic/137824/pfsense-no-internet-when-it-is-said-you-are-connected/13
Use this URL as "URL/Commit ID" :
https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense/compare/RELENG_2_4_4...Augustin-FL:fix-reconfig-for-2-4-4.diff(hint : copy and past it).
The description : type in whatever you want.
Don't fill in or touch any other options.
Just click the blue save button at the bottom.Now for the difficult part :
Click on the blue Fetch button.The action should show you this message :
Click on the blue Test button.
You should see this message :
Now, click on the blue Apply button.
You should see this message :Now, disconnect all Captive portal users.
Ok, I admit, the cut and paste of the Commit URL was probably the most difficult thing after all ;)
@Gertjan PA?!
@ilarioQ said in Disconnetct!:
@Gertjan PA?!
I hit Submit before finishing up my post.
Read again please. -
@Gertjan sorry! Many thanks.
@Gertjan Thanks for the detailed tutorial, I try.
@Gertjan Hi I think everything went well, yet one more thing, after disconnecting all users I have to restart pfsense or is it enough to restart the captive portal? Tanks
@ilarioQ after disconnecting all users, you don't need to do anything else
you can just use the portal normally now! the issue should not happen anymore
@free4 thanks!
@free4 it seems issue is still there even after applying the patch. though its not the same as before where all changes to CP makes the issue. now a matter of 2 reboot issue came back "you are connected"
Users that are still connected after a reboot ?
That's not related to the bug we are talking about in this thread.
Have a look at this https://forum.netgate.com/topic/137824/pfsense-no-internet-when-it-is-said-you-are-connected/102 -
@Gertjan yes and when you look at status > system logs you will see user disconnect (this time it was just me for testing) but if you look at status > captive portal, you will see user is still connected. this is after applying the patch. no other services aside from a fresh install pf and CP
Again : the patch for the "you are connected" bug described here (and in many other threads) works.
When users 'seem' to be connected after a reboot - that is, they are listed on the Status page - and they can't / didn't login after the rebbot, then do this ( https://forum.netgate.com/topic/137824/pfsense-no-internet-when-it-is-said-you-are-connected/102 ) which is a totally different bug (captive portal connected users database is not deleted). The solution is : add 4 key strokes ($g, ") as described .
The problem exists. The solution also. Case closed ^^. -
@chanrio13 Could you "revert" the patch then "re-fetch" it then "apply" it again?
I noticed a mistake in the patch regarding reboots (sorry for that, you are actually the first one to report me an issue with this patch...).
I corrected it.