@ilarioQ said in Disconnetct!:
@Gertjan PA?!
I hit Submit before finishing up my post.
Read again please. -
@Gertjan sorry! Many thanks.
@Gertjan Thanks for the detailed tutorial, I try.
@Gertjan Hi I think everything went well, yet one more thing, after disconnecting all users I have to restart pfsense or is it enough to restart the captive portal? Tanks
@ilarioQ after disconnecting all users, you don't need to do anything else
you can just use the portal normally now! the issue should not happen anymore
@free4 thanks!
@free4 it seems issue is still there even after applying the patch. though its not the same as before where all changes to CP makes the issue. now a matter of 2 reboot issue came back "you are connected"
Users that are still connected after a reboot ?
That's not related to the bug we are talking about in this thread.
Have a look at this https://forum.netgate.com/topic/137824/pfsense-no-internet-when-it-is-said-you-are-connected/102 -
@Gertjan yes and when you look at status > system logs you will see user disconnect (this time it was just me for testing) but if you look at status > captive portal, you will see user is still connected. this is after applying the patch. no other services aside from a fresh install pf and CP
Again : the patch for the "you are connected" bug described here (and in many other threads) works.
When users 'seem' to be connected after a reboot - that is, they are listed on the Status page - and they can't / didn't login after the rebbot, then do this ( https://forum.netgate.com/topic/137824/pfsense-no-internet-when-it-is-said-you-are-connected/102 ) which is a totally different bug (captive portal connected users database is not deleted). The solution is : add 4 key strokes ($g, ") as described .
The problem exists. The solution also. Case closed ^^. -
@chanrio13 Could you "revert" the patch then "re-fetch" it then "apply" it again?
I noticed a mistake in the patch regarding reboots (sorry for that, you are actually the first one to report me an issue with this patch...).
I corrected it.
@free4 i really appreciate your effort on this !