Redmine Data Issue
If an issue's Target version is blank, the issue falls off the roadmap lists entirely. For example:
Hopefully this is not intentional, I know this is not fixable in 2.5.0 but in a reincarnated 2.5 based on 12.1. Would a better entry be 2.5.x, so the issue does not get dropped from the 2.5 tracking?
If an issue's Target version is blank, the issue falls off the roadmap lists entirely.
Technically if it has no target it was never on a roadmap, so it didn't fall off of anything or get dropped. This particular issue should have a target of 2.5.0, which I just corrected. It never had one populated before. Typically all issues start with a blank target and get assigned one by developers as things are confirmed/planned out/etc.
Also in the future when raising an issue like this, you should link to the issue, or at least give the issue number. As it was, I had to hunt it down to find it and fix it.
Thanks for the clarification and updating the target version. I thought I had included the issue number in the clip but missed it. I was not as focused on this particular issue, but more generally.