SG-5100 M.2 Brand/Models
So I've had my SG-5100 for a few days now still in box and while I already knew I might be slight depressed by the level of support offered this is bordering a bit annoying. I've combed the forums and have yet to actually find concrete definitive answer on not only type but brand of M.2 drive to use with this device. I don't understand does netgate just not even bother to test this themselves because if they do then right off the bat there should be a link to at least that brand/model of SSD. Why is this so unnecessarily hard? Does anyone have an answer to what works?
there is a standard specification for M.2
any M.2 sata ssd (22 x 42) of any brand that respect that standard work out of the box, there is no reason to make a list of "compatible brands"
based on the photos on this link I'm pretty sure they tested it ...
this one work for sure kingspec ssd P/N: NT-32 -
From this there seems to be atleast two different configurations for the pins a "B" and "M" configuration:
Also I keep seeing that it doesn't support NVMe and I see almost now "well known" brands that seem to have any none NVMe M.2 rives that would work here. If nothing else having a list of tested brands/models would save me from the wasted hours trying to find something that's supported on my own. They make the product so obviously they should know best.
NVMe is PCI express,it is not supported as specified from netgate, you need M.2 SATA
afaik kingspec and transcend are well known brand for this format -
Thank You that was very helpful almost bought a Samsung evo 860 instead. Don't think it would've fit.
Yeah I'm not aware of any compatibility issues with m.2 cards in the SG-5100 as long as you realise that NVMe is not SATA.