Traffic accounting
Is there some package or utility i could use to do traffic accounting.
We have several users on our network and we want to check their monthly traffic.
Blocking after user has 10gig etc…Thanks
Is there some package or utility i could use to do traffic accounting.
We have several users on our network and we want to check their monthly traffic.
Blocking after user has 10gig etc…Thanks
NTOP in packages section
NTOP doesn't keep the log. everytime I restart the service, all data is lost.
Can you tell me how to generate monthly report with NTOP? -
That is normal ntop behavior. It doesn't write logs to disk and also doesn't keep everything for an endless long time even if it were running without reboot (it would explode ;D ). So after some time the older information is cumulative. Check the ntop webpage for more information on that.
That is normal ntop behavior. It doesn't write logs to disk and also doesn't keep everything for an endless long time even if it were running without reboot (it would explode ;D ). So after some time the older information is cumulative. Check the ntop webpage for more information on that.
I don't think that is true. I was running Ntop on .87-.92 and it kept the logs for about 2 months, and it has the option to keep it for a year. I was restarting all the time too. I think you have to do the HDD install for it to work. But it seems broken .93+ I just can't get it to keep the logs or even show some of the logs anymore.
Ok, I'll shut up. :P I haven't tested ntop for several versions (pfsense was about 0.6x when I tested ntop package last time I think) so maybe something changed here. When I tested it this was the normal behavior and there have been even confirmations at the ntop page itself but I don't find it anymore now. ::)
OK so ntop seems to do what I want, but it needs a little tweaking …
how can i export monthly traffic with ntop ?
is this possible?? ??? -
OK so ntop seems to do what I want, but it needs a little tweaking …
how can i export monthly traffic with ntop ?
is this possible?? ???Try looking around at
OK so ntop seems to do what I want, but it needs a little tweaking …
how can i export monthly traffic with ntop ?
is this possible?? ???What version pfsense are you running please. And can you access the information per lan ip? As I am having problems with it after .93 etc I just need someone to confirm for me I'm the only one with the problem before I waste more time trying to get it going.
i'm using the last version , 0.93
I have no problem accessing per ip information (ip-summary-traffic)
I had problems with .93+ and Ntop. Last version it was working perfectly for me on was .90 ( I think it is just me though).
Have you done the harddrive install? Or are you running the LiveCD only version.
Also if a computer has not been turned on for a while the stats for that IP will dissappear or if you restart your box and a computer with ip X was not turned on it's stats will not show up until the computer is connected again. It is really anoying, unless the person leaves their computer on often, but it will save thier previous stats, and there is a way to manually access the stats because it saves them to the HDD (sorry I don't know how though).
I'm running pfsense on my hard drive.
We are a WISP in Quebec and we are using pfsense since last week, and I must say we love this new gateway!
What we want to do with NTOP is print monthly traffic report and send it to our customer.If anyone reads this and knows how, let me know! :)
Click on the historical data for that customer and click on 1month instead of 1 hour which is the defualt. Then press print in your browser.
My Ntop doesn't have that. Do I have to activate something in the configuration menu?
BTW if I restart the NTOP services via pfsense web console, all my configuration that I made on NTOP webconsole are lost…
My Ntop doesn't have that. Do I have to activate something in the configuration menu?
BTW if I restart the NTOP services via pfsense web console, all my configuration that I made on NTOP webconsole are lost…
What configuration where? Sounds like to me you don't have it installed to the HDD. If you are running version .93x then that is probably your problem with Ntop. Reinstall version .87 as that is the only version I can guarentee it will work with. Perhaps .90 will work too as I have had it working on that version by upgrading from .97etc.
You have enable rrd tool. You said above that you had all the traffic statistics per ip etc, now I know you are just talking about the statistics shown in numerical form only. The statistics I am talking about are avialable in graphical and numerical form and you can choose 1 hour 6 hours 12hours 1day 1month 1 year. To view the history of each IP or a total.
Once you enable rrd tool when you click on an individual IP to view extra information about that person you will find a columb "Historical data" and a little Icon of a graph. It's easy to miss so look carefully for it.
Let me know how you go. In .93 when you enable rrd tool you will probably have an error :).
ok got it!
I had to goto plugins –> rrdplugins --> Data to Dump --> select Host --> save settings!
My machine is now in production with 60 users connected to a T1. I cannot restart reboot shutdown anytime I want :)
So I won't change version until final stable is released.Charles
ok got it!
I had to goto plugins –> rrdplugins --> Data to Dump --> select Host --> save settings!
My machine is now in production with 60 users connected to a T1. I cannot restart reboot shutdown anytime I want :)
So I won't change version until final stable is released.Charles
Sweet seems while helping you, you may have helped me :). I'll have a look for that again tonight but I thought I had gone through all the settings perhaps I just glossed over that one.
I think NeTraMet would be a usefull package; especially for Traffic-accounting!?!
NeTraMet, the traffic Meter would be enough; you can install the meter-reader on another host. -
I think NeTraMet would be a usefull package; especially for Traffic-accounting!?!
NeTraMet, the traffic Meter would be enough; you can install the meter-reader on another host. follow your link and found at bootom of page: "Last updated: 23 Nov 03"
This package very old. Better solution is fix ntop package. -
does it really hard to implement a package for PFsense that would gather and count users trafic statistics and block them or rule-based basis? i remember, somewhere on this site i have read something like "pfsense is for those, who dont need to know how it works, but understand what is he/she wants"