SG 3100 VLAN and Trunks
Hello everyone,,
I just recently purchased a SG 3100 and had a question about vlans and trunking. I followed the guide here and setup the following:added about 5 vlans (let's use 10, 20,30,40, 50) for our example here; using parent interface LAN
I then assigned the vlans to the interface
My next question is; How do I define a trunk interface between the PFsense and my connected switch? I have a cable connected from Pfsense (LAN port) to my cisco l3 switch. My config is pretty straightforward:switch12072d#show run int vlan10
interface vlan 10
name "VLAN 10"
ip address
no ip proxy-arp
switch12072d#show run int gi5
interface gigabitethernet5
description "Trunk Port for vlans"
switchport trunk allowed vlan add 10,20,100
switch12072d#Given that I have a vlan with a IP of on the PFsense hardware, I would think that I should atleast be able to ping it but no luck. I added a allow all firewall rule for the LAN and the VLAN 10 rule but no luck either. any ideas? Thanks!!!
Did you get this working?
You should configure the switch to pass those VLANs if you need to use one of the LAN ports. Or you could use the OPT port to link to your switch.
By default the internal switch is in port based vlan mode which will pass the tagged traffic to the internal port but it's better to set it to 802.1q mode and specify which LAN port to use.Steve