Modem with 2 WAN ports
Will I be able to use the 2 wan ports and double my internet speed?
As this person says
Or i need 2 modems?
thanks! -
No a DSL modem with 2 WAN ports (are there any) will not allow this. Limit in the modem is either its limit or the ISP. They do not do two accounts and the phone lines will not carry it.
No a Cable modem with multiple ports will not pass any more speed than you pay for. (Just pay for more.) There are no cable systems offering more than a single port can pass than I aware of (now the caveat) with the exception that putting a pair in LAGG where the modem allows this and is provisioned slightly above a gigabit.. will help.. a little. But not double.
You do not mention your internet type.
got it thanks!
I have gigabit internet but for some reason i have 200mb download while using PIA openvpn. My other idea was that because its limited to 1 core i should have multiple clients running. My cpu is an i5-2400
My belief would be that you should upgrade your box/CPU to something a little more up to the task. I have not used PIA though and wonder if they limit?
How much speed do you get from your gigabit connection if your not using PIA?
@chpalmer I get about the same speed with and without VPN. While using openvpn the cpu % utilization is 16% while without its less than 5%
What kind of service is this?? What brand and model modem?
You need to find out if you truly have a bottleneck or if the ISP does.. (Maybe they have you provisioned wrong.. ect.)
Not knowing what your hardware is I still would guess is that you should get better speeds than that.