Where can I set PPPoE for WAN in pfSense shell?
I would like to know where I can set PPPoE for the WAN in the pfSense shell. I can't access the web interface right now.
There's no easy way to do that really. If I was doing it I would probably edit the config file directly and reboot to load it.
Your WAN should look like:
<wan> <if>pppoe0</if> <descr><![CDATA[PPPoEWAN]]></descr> <blockpriv></blockpriv> <blockbogons></blockbogons> <enable></enable> <ipaddr>pppoe</ipaddr> </wan>
And you'll need a PPP section like:
<ppps> <ppp> <ptpid>0</ptpid> <type>pppoe</type> <if>pppoe0</if> <ports>em0</ports> <username>your_username</username> <password>base64_encoded_password</password> <descr><![CDATA[WAN]]></descr> <provider>Your_ISP</provider> </ppp> </ppps>
Or similar with your details in it.