Disk usage: / 96% of 6.7GiB - ufs
any hints what I should delete, as 96% seems quite full :(
Giunther -
It's almost always out of control logging on a package. Re save the logging settings and make sure you set an overall size limit in Snort or Suricata if you have those. If not what packages do you have installed?
IIRC, I think squid defaults to unlimited log size.
Hello, thanks for your help!
I tracked down for biggest directories with
du -k -d 1 / | sort -nr
and found suricata to have logges 4 GB...
No I will have to find out to liigt that and how to setup a log server.Regards,
Gunther -
OK, so as I said above go to the Suricata log management settings and make sure a 'Log Directory Size Limit' is set. I have it set to 12MB there. Resave that page.
@stephenw10 Thanks, found that this function of size limiting was not in my version of suricata, an update was pending...