Dual WAN bridge to LAN or?
We have an ipcop box with lots and lots of custom rules(servers in various places with ports forwarded in and out, VOIP QOS, proxy filtering, etc) that we don't really want to redo in pfsense but we now have the need for failover for our WAN links as one of them has been flaky the past month. One is DSL one is cable. I have read the tutorials and I think I need to create a pool and then do bridging so that both WANS can be connected to pfsense box and pass traffic to and from ipcop box with no address changing at all, but I don' tknow for sure. Any pointers in this direction are sincerely appreciated.
Here is simplified wishful setup
pfsense(failover at least if not balancing)----ipcop(port forwarding and shaping and proxy)----LAN machines
Loadbalancing requires routing. It doesn't work for transparent setups as it utilizes a gatewaypool.