Can any one help me to access my pfsense webGui remotely from my public IP step by step and without VPN?
the answer from johnpoz was very clear anyway i put screenshot here for you
For REALLY don't want to expose the GUI to the Internet.
What is the problem with setting up a VPN for it?-Rico
@kiokoman it does not work for me i do these steps and this open my interface of the router instead of pfsense gui
@Rico because i try it and didnot work and after do it the speed of my internet became slow
Well then we should check why the VPN is not working for you.
If your seatbelt is broken you just drive without it?-Rico
@Aya said in Can any one help me to access my pfsense webGui remotely from my public IP step by step and without VPN?:
open my interface of the router instead of pfsense gui
So pfsense is behind a nat router? Your going to have to give us some details of your setup if you want actual help with it.
To access the gui of pfsense, that is directly attached to the public internet on its wan there is no port forwards required... Only a wan rule that allows access to the port its listening on.
If your behind a nat router - then you would need to port forward on that device to the pfsense wan IP.. And if your trying to access this from internally as a "test" you would have to worry about nat reflection on your router in front of pfsense, etc. etc.
Opening up your pfsense gui to the public internet is just plain moronic!!! Unless you can limit it to a known source IP - its just stupid to think this is any way shape or form a good idea..
@johnpoz said in Can any one help me to access my pfsense webGui remotely from my public IP step by step and without VPN?:
Opening up your pfsense gui to the public internet is just plain moronic!!! Unless you can limit it to a known source IP - its just stupid to think this is any way shape or form a good idea..
could not agree more
If I hand you gun that is loaded, with the safety on.. And you take the safety off and blow off your baby toe.. Not my problem ;)
Just don't come back crying you shot off your baby toe ;)
Yup. You should set a source IP (and an alias of IPs) to allow access from. Use a dyndns client if you don't know where you will be connecting from.