be honest are you worried about corona
It's been over an year now and we still dealing with it. I think everyone should take it seriously at least.
@netznico said in be honest are you worried about corona:
It's been over an year now and we still dealing with it. I think everyone should take it seriously at least.
I'm worried about Government response... The stats (at least in Canada) show that almost nobody under the age of 80 is dying from this thing.
There are plenty of credible studies that show that inexpensive medications can be used to treat the disease effectively, but those medications are being blocked in favour of forcing people to take an experimental vaccine with an unknown long term safety profile that could potentially wipe out millions of people. The lockdowns are causing record numbers of suicides and drug overdoses and trashing the economy.
68 year-old here. Got my second Moderna yesterday. Went out to eat the first time in a year a week ago, half-vaccinated. Fish and chips with 2 Guinness. It was glorious, even though the Guinness was canned.
But Michigan, USA cases and deaths tipping up again. The more infections the greater chance for mutation. Possible 4th wave. But my time machine is out of service.
Could be worse, we could all be in Sao Paulo, burying 600 per day.
@guardian I can understand your worries and I think the consequences of the lockdowns should be addressed as a problem itself.
In Germany, as far as I know, the vaccine has gone thourgh the standart testing process just like any other vaccine.
Could be worse, we could all be in Sao Paulo, burying 600 per day.
Don't trust these numbers...
I'm from Brazil and I can tell you, they are mixing all kind of diseases in these statistics..One more example among the others I have provided earlier, like pneumonia and etc:
14.952 less dengue occurrences in the city of Sao Paulo in comparison with 2019..
Before covid, we had campaigns in which people would visit your house to check for uncapped bottles or plants plot holding water that could hold the mosquito.. These campaigns are no longer happening since covid started.. Population is growing, no more campaigns happening, we would assume more dengue occurrences than previous year..Unfortunately, these statistics will only improve when they get what they want, which is power and control.
These governors are putting less buses to attend the people, which is causing agglomeration... This is just non sense siince people need to work, they should increase the number of buses..
@provels said in be honest are you worried about corona:
Reuters? Well, best of luck then.
hm, I read that every day in local newspapers, the difference is that I don't trust newspapers.
All I can say to you is that it is a narrative..Biden was the cure of the covid in US, wasn't ? Hm, that makes me think, don't you ?
All that CDC recommendations about two masks, was that the big Biden plan ?Here in Brazil is going to be same, the cure to covid will happen when the PR is no longer PR..
There is a movement happening, in case you have free time and are willing to know more about this movement, I recommend that you search about George Soros, the great reset, Antonio Gramsci, Saul Alinsky, David Horowitz, UN21 UN2030.. There are a lot more... World Economic Forum, Frankfurt School
WHO saying that the virus wouldn't spread between people, that we shouldn't use masks, calling Trump a racist when he closed the airports that were coming from China, that makes you think?
I'm not saying that you should believe me, I'm saying the following:
Make your own research, don't trust the newspapers, gather your own data and most important, follow the money because these are strange times..Edit: How is Texas doing? Any news or comparison about Texas and NY in the news ?
You mentoned Sao Paulo, do you know that Sao Paulo is doing one of the most agressive lockdowns in Brazil? And SP is not giving early treatment a chance..
Do you know that the supreme court here in Brazil prohibited the police to enter the 'favelas', even fly with helicopters above it?
Do you know how many people live in one house in a favela? Do you know how many funk shows are happening ?
Why the numbers of Rio are better than in Sao Paulo?ps: sorry for my english
Well, best of luck, anyway. We'll send you what's left of the vaccines when we're done. -
Do you know that Brazil is the 5th country in the world in vaccination ?
Brazil is ahead of Germany, Italy, Canada.. And we are a 3rd world country..So, we are doing our best, the problem is journalists that sometimes use absolute numbers, and sometimes use relative numbers..
The world has a limited number of vaccines, so you can't use relative numbers, and that is what they do, using the population percentage.. We have 220 million people here..
No worries, I don't expect to change any minds here. -
Not worried, I'm also not trying to change minds here =)
You are nice to speak with, today is not easy to find someone to have a nice chat with.. -
@provels said in be honest are you worried about corona:
Well, best of luck, anyway. We'll send you what's left of the vaccines when we're done.Big pharma has been making profits on the backs of developing countries for decades! In 1987, there was an MMR vaccine that was being used in Canada, produced by Smithkline Beecham; and that vaccine caused meningitis. This was recognized quickly, and that vaccine was withdrawn in Canada. However, in the same month it was withdrawn in Ontario, it was licensed in the UK. Its name was simply changed from Trivirix to Pluserix. In the UK it was used for four years, and likewise it caused meningitis, and had to be rapidly withdrawn. There was a public outcry and a loss of confidence by the public in the vaccine policy makers. The vaccine should, at this point, have been destroyed. It wasn't. It was then shipped to developing countries, like Brazil, where it was used in a mass vaccination campaign. And there was an epidemic of meningitis, which was entirely predictable.
These vaccines have been pushed out so fast, NOBODY knows for sure what the implications are long term. It is well within the realm of possibility that they will make the variants even deadlier! Reading between the lines it appears that vaccinations may create many asymptomatic carriers that will keep this going for years.
Unfortunately there is no such thing as a Journalist anymore working for mainstream media is just a mouthpiece for whoever is paying.
@netznico said in be honest are you worried about corona:
@guardian I can understand your worries and I think the consequences of the lockdowns should be addressed as a problem itself.
In Germany, as far as I know, the vaccine has gone thourgh the standart testing process just like any other vaccine.
From what I have read @netznico much of the usual animal testing was either skipped or severely curtailed. Given that past attempts to develop a corona virus vaccine where scrapped during the extended testing phase. When the vaccinated animals were exposed to corona viruses they got very sick and most died.
Given that severe autoimmune problems take several years to manifest, there is no way anyone knows if millions of people have committed delayed suicide or condemned themselves to a life of misery. The new mRNA vaccines turn people into spike protein manufacturing machines. What is that going to do long term?
What @provels is saying is very similar to what is going on in many places. Given the track record of pharma, trusting a product that has been rushed out (and for which pharma has no legal liability for consequences) is like trusting pedophiles to run a baby sitting agency. While there may be many well meaning "worker bees", tio Pharma management has proven time and time again that will steam roller over ANYTHING that gets in the way of profit!
There is just too much censorship of credible people to trust governments and main stream media.
@guardian I have to admit it makes me nervous that the vaccines are approved so fast. I have read that it is due to more efficiency in the process and I hope that is true.
@netznico said in be honest are you worried about corona:
@guardian I have to admit it makes me nervous that the vaccines are approved so fast. I have read that it is due to more efficiency in the process and I hope that is true.
@netznico - FYI, it has been misreported that the vaccines have been "approved"... they have been issued an "Emergency Use Authorization"... From what I have heard the official period for clinical trials ends in 2023... February to the best of my recollection, but I'm not sure.
Essentially they have been given permission to experiment on the world.
Nah, quarantine gave me new possibilities. I've started working at home.
Some winners, some losers... just don't blindly accept what you see on the news. Follow the money...
@netznico It's due to several factors. We have been studying this family of virii since SARS in the early 2000s. The usual drug validation process is expensive and time-consuming so they tend to take it one step at a time to save money (why do expensive test #6 if it failed test #2?). For this pandemic, they did the testing in parallel instead of serial, and the govt put up the money to make it happen fast.
This pandemic has exposed a lot of people for the idiotic dimwits they truly are. Nothing makes my blood boil like listening to selfish morons going on and on about their personal rights and freedoms as if they were more important than the collective well-being of the rest of us. If you choose to live in modern society, the onus is on YOU to do what you can to protect it. You want to be a rugged self-reliant individualist? Go move to the forest with the fucking bears.
@guardian Yes, why rely on experts, doctors and scientists being covered by respectable news media (all of whom have reputations to worry about) when instead I could listen to ignorant cranks like Joe Rando on the internet? GTFO
Hm, I didn't take the vaccine, got infected and I'm doing pretty nice..
If you took the vaccine, you shouldn't be afraid of me.. Or you don't trust your vaccine efficiency ?In case you are afraid, you stay home locked, not me.
Go, take this experimental vaccine, you are free to decide and choose.. I'll just wait for one that doesn't give me heart problems..
I'm free to decide about my life.. -
@kom said in be honest are you worried about corona:
@guardian Yes, why rely on experts, doctors and scientists being covered by respectable news media (all of whom have reputations to worry about) when instead I could listen to ignorant cranks like Joe Rando on the internet? GTFO
It would be appreciated if you could keep things civil and factual. Intelligent disagreement/debate is welcomed, rudeness has no place in civilized society--if necessary we can agree to disagree, and that's OK in a society that values freedom of expression.
I'm not suggesting anyone immediately believe anything. I want people to THINK, have open honest debate, and QUESTION AUTHORITY. The truth stands up to questioning - lies/deceit does not. If you don't have a factual argument, then you have to resort to mud slinging, secrecy, and confusion.
Here are some things I know to be fact from sources known by me personally, personal experience or generally accepted facts that have been widely reported by mainstream sources in the past:
If you have enough money you can buy media/doctors to say anything. Just look at the history of Tobacco where the cause-effect linkage to health problems is much more clear. If you have enough money, there are people who will sell their soul and do almost anything. Unfortunately when they say the science is settled, they should really be saying the science has been bought and paid for, and it's this way because we say "it's this way", not because it's the truth.
I have one friend dealing with some very nasty side effects... she may well have had the rest of her life ruined by this experimental garbage. Based on age data being supplied on the government, her odds of dying from COVID were about .01%! She was pressured by her employer and did not believe she had any other choice but to take the jab.
The US VAERS system reported more COVID jab injuries/deaths in 3 months than the last 20 years for all other vaccines.
There have been more deaths in Canada in the 0-19 Year age range from COVID jabs, than from COVID, and the youth that died from COVID had serious underlying conditions, the ones that died from the jab likely would have been perfectly fine.
There is NO LONG TERM SAFETY DATA by definition because these jabs haven't been around long enough to establish long term safety. (The vaccinated may have a much more severe response to the flu or other corona virus and cause a real pandemic -- but this is just speculation at this point.)
The FDA has not "approved" the jabs, they have granted an "Emergency Use Authorization" which essentially make the world a lab full of guinea pigs.
The company literature states that their jabs don't necessarily prevent infection from or transmission of COVID, only that (based on cursory tests) it reduces the severity of symptoms (I don't know, but to me that sounds like it creates more asymptomatic carriers).
I have friends at local hospitals that are telling me they have either no COVID patients, or only a small handful, and the media is saying the hospitals are full to capacity with COVID patients. Patients are being moved around and other "theatre" to create maximum havoc, and hence manufacture demand for the jab.
Doctors are being censored and prevented from making their clinical observations public. There are so many studies that show effective methods of treatments that are being suppressed.
Doctors were (and maybe still are) being pressured to put COVID on death certificates when underlying conditions were the real cause of death in order to inflate the death counts. Frail elderly people die from respiratory infections (including the common cold) all the time. My wife's doctor said that based on his experience, the flu in past years has been far more dangerous
Reporting is deliberately vague -- we hear about hundreds and thousands of cases, but no indication of severity. Numerous experts (including the inventor or the PCR test) are saying that the PCR test is not reliable, and that you can find anything in anybody if you run enough cycles. If it weren't for the masking/public health measures nobody would even know this thing was still going on.
The pharmaceutical industry has a history of deceptive practices at the expense of human life. It is only because of the discovery process that is part of litigation that this info has come to light. When the expectation is profit will greatly exceed cost of litigation/settlements then the product gets pushed regardless of the human suffering that it costs. Nobody goes to jail, and settlements/fines are just a cost of doing business. Now these companies can turn out whatever they want with no liability whatsoever!
The death statistics from local governments do not support the level of panic. Most of the deaths were elderly people (who all experts agree should be protected). There was a surge of deaths at the beginning, and then a couple of smaller blips, but the curves are in like with what would be statistically expected.
While there is some crazy stuff on the internet, there are also a lot of very highly credentialed people raising legitimate questions/concerns that are being ignored. The risk to their personal reputation is great, and their potential gain is minimal (hence their motive is more likely to be altruistic).
There is an unfortunate trend these days to not argue based on information/merit, but simply to do everything possible to assassinate character.
When a thinking person sees the mainstream media reporting things that they know to be untrue multiple times over an extended period of time it seems like a logical response to be skeptical and examine other sources. A pathological liar may tell the truth, but any intelligent person is going to want a lot of verification before relying on anything they say.
What I have heard from epidemiologists is that what tends to happen with pathogens is that there is an initial spike in deaths as the vulnerable are killed off. It circulates amongst the younger/healthy population and the survivors develop immunity. There is also quite possible that those who survive transmit virus fragments/dead virus almost like a "vaccine" that helps other members of the herd develop immunity. Pathogens mutate with time, but if a very virulent strain emerges, it kills the host and the pathogen dies off. If a vaccine doesn't prevent infection, and keeps the host alive, then these more virulent strains survive - this is what has happened with antibiotic resistant ".superbugs" The vaccines may well be supporting the mutations.
I personally would like to see open public scientific debate based on facts/evidence and where warranted public/open trials/hearings/tribunals regarding public health measures and the conduct of public officials. When warranted severe punishment for wrongdoing and removal of protection from liability.
Fear keeps people from thinking clearly. If people thought, intelligently debated and demanded clear honest answers this would be over. America can only remain the land of the free if they are the home of the brave, and if America goes down, god help the world!