Routing on Mobile IPSec Connections
I have three pfSense boxes connected to the first one thru IPSec tunnels :
pfSense 1 : 122.164.19.x &
pfSense 2 : 122.78.1.x &
pfSense 3 : 117.21.10.x & client connected to pfSense 1 LAN can ping the networks behind the other two pfSense boxes.
I also connect to my pfSense box from my laptops while on the move through a mobile IPSec connection, however when I do so, I can only access the subnets behind that particular box ( The other two subnets connected through IPSecTunnel (the 20 and 30 subnets) are inaccessible.
What routing settings do I need to change for the remote IPSec clients to go to another IPSec tunnel directly ?
We have the same issue. Does anybody know how to solve this?
Which network you use in p2 for your clients?
Local Network have to be, to route the trafic to all local Networks throu the tunnel.
I want to route all trafic throu my tunne, i use and no split tunneling option on the clients.
If you route only this network, you have do set split tunneling with the right Network + Mask on client side.