Ftp woes continue - outgoing - darned if you do, darned if you don't
If I turn off the ftp helper on Lan side, a proprietory package here that does ftp outgoing doesn't work. (it does active ftp transfers outgoing). Turn on the helper and it works.
I have another in-house package that does passive FTP outgoing transfers with some type of encryption( progressive policy downloads).
With the ftp helper off, it works. With the ftp helper on it does not (application just hangs).Neither product has great support or options to change ftp options.
The crappola linksys I replaced did this just fine. Any ideas here?
I've tried many combinations of helper on/off wan/lan, opened the firewall rule to, etc.
Only 2 NICS - WAN and LAN.Super basic firewall, port forward for smtp, https and citrix. Blocked outgoing smtp except from email server. Othwerwise, wide open.
On latest 1.2 release.
Oh, and BTW, I LOVE the pfsense interface and stability (other than FTP of course)
After reading the others comments on FTP - PLEASE, I AM SURE I MUST HAVE MADE AN ERROR SOMEWHERE.
Just looking for a little guidance. Been to the FTP troubleshooting page also..Thank you,
Scott -
Make sure that you have a rule for FTP in the firewall. I run Cerberus FTP for internal and external connections. It works like a charm. I have tired a ton of different FTP products and settled on Cerberus FTP.The main reason for that one secure FTP/AD intergration. I have configured it for internal/external use, and have run across VPN connections. I have had no issues.
Just make sure that you have a rule for FTP setup and any custom ports that you use.
RC -
this did not work even with firewall wide open. Not a rule problem I don't think.
Have you got the option to use squid as an FTP proxy on either application?
One of my clients had problems with one of the Adobe CS applications and FTP. Nominating Squid as its proxy worked first time for us but obviously YMMV.
I'd definitely leave the FTP helper on if you've got the option to.