Can I download pfSense 2.3 for tests purposes from somewhere?
Hi everyone,
I have installed pfSense 2.3 and I want upgrade it to the latest version 2.4.5.
To tests purposes, I want to mount a VM and install pfSense 2.3 with the same configuration that has the pfSense in production and test to upgrade step by step and check possible errors.
I can download the pfSense 2.3 from Netgate web site or another reliable site?
From Donloads > Old page appear Forbidden.
Not from anywhere official.
But also 2.3-rel to 2.4.5 directly is not supported. If you were doing that test you should set the update branch to 2.4.4 first ang then up date the 2.4.5 from there.
Hi @stephenw10, thanks so much by your anwer.
Well, but I need download pfSense 2.3-rel from a fiable source to create a VM and test to upgrade:
pfSense 2.3-rel to pfSense 2.4.4 first.
pfSense 2.4.4 to pfSense 2.4.5 later.
Because that I am looking the pfSense 2.3-rel image to create the test VM.
Is there no reliable source to download the pfSense 2.3-rel image?
Not directly from us there isn't.
If you are forced to do this though a better test would be to install 2.4.5 clean and import the 2.3 config.