pppoe with no modem
i am trying to connect to my isp with pppoe,
i use the password and username but cant connect (logs)
how do i need to define my wan for that?
thank you
Ok so i got it going with wan lan and wlan. There is an internet connection with pass on firewall.
Problem is that i get around 20mb on a 1000mb line
Anything to check that you know of?
That level of throttling I'd look for a speed/duplex mismatch. Check Status > Interfaces for errors/collisions.
You have no modem? What is your WAN connected to?
Wan connected to fiber to network cable unit.
I will try to check the interface
@stephenw10 cant find where to define connection speed
under the wan interface statuse there is no "media" type, unlike the "lan" interface
that's what he meant
i understandthere is no media type there
only in lan -
if you are connected to the interface, you should see some negotiation - the media type
you mentioned above that a 20mbits connection has already been established
Accidentally, you are not trying to connect directly to the ONT, this is not allowed by many ISPs directly only through their own router with a bridge-mode enabled on a port.
@DaddyGo That could be either auto or some specified connection, such as 1000baseT, depending on what the ISP requires. I've seen both.
BTW, on pfSense 2.4.5, it says Speed and Duplex, not Media.
i have no limit to use the modem of the isp
i have anothe router that connects and get speed of about 500mb
in pf sense there is no media/speed tab
in lan i do get media type of 1000 base t
this is wan tab in inteface status
what is your exact system? FTTH / DOCSIS / VDSL :-)
I expect something like this from you: ISP ONT or modem + ISP router + etc. -
A blank WAN tab means it doesn't work for you
fiber to rj45 adapter (just to change the connection type), cat 6 cable , pc with pfsense - thats all
no i am getting 94 mb up and down
@DaddyGo its not blank i gave the printscreen with no data :) to show there is no media or speed tab
fiber to rj45 adapter = ISP ONT???
Do you have a router supplied by your ISP? -
@avnpf said in pppoe with no modem:
this is wan tab in inteface status
Look on Interfaces > WAN, not status.
Very interesting and have a 94Mbits connection?
yes, maybe its an ont
jknott - i searched there there is no speed duplex tab, in lan interface there is