Dedicated Server on LAN = NoGo
Morning all,
Im having fits accessing local dedicated dark and light (same as ark) ark server on my LAN.Running Pfsense 2.4.5p1 in hyperV 2019
Server is hyperV 2019 running windows 10
Game system windows 10If I start the sever on local PC, I can of course play the dedicated server on that same pc but all others can’t see it.
All pc confirmed private network
Added firewall rules to allow port 7777
Nat port forward set (not needed for lan)
I have disabled firewall
I can ping server but if I try to look up using ip and port no go.I’m really at a loss as this same setup worked last year without doing anything. I know or believe PFsense default rules allow all on LAN so it’s something else.
How can I diagnose this? I ran net stat -aon or something and only see port 27015 open not server port 7777. I’ve forced those ports open and no joy.
I’m sure the NAT is working but irrelevant in this scenario or so I believe. If I go to steam server and add IP address and port, steam will see it and allow me to connect after prompting for server password. It opens game and then does not find server.
I’m sure it’s simple but evading me.
Any help would be great!
Thanks -
If the "others [that] can't see it" are also on the LAN, and the Internet isn't being used, your router shouldn't be routing that traffic at all. I'd say to check the firewall on the server PC but it sounds like you did that. Firewalls on the other PCs?
I know it’s baffling. I’ve disabled all firewalls on the PC’s and added exceptions to the programs, exceptions to the ports. -
@sheen73 said in Dedicated Server on LAN = NoGo:
All pc confirmed private network
Are you trying to access the PC with a DNS name?
Hi, network noobish here but I think you are asking if my network is a part of a domain and I am attempting to access it that way. No, not a part of the domain.
I can remote into the windows 10 pc acting as the game server, I can connect via mapped network drive, I can file share. I am running windows firewall logs and not seeing anything.
Can we assume that your issues with others are on the Internet?
Can we also assume that pf is used to connect this pc server?
Does the pc have internet access through pf?
Are you by any chance blocking steam on pfblocker?Do you have upnp enabled and with proper access settings on the lan interface on pf?
Hi NB, thanks for the reply.
I am primarily focused on LAN access which should bypass PFsense and PFBlocker so internet has no true impact here unless I am mistaken.
All computers are behind PFsense on a LAN interface
Yes all PC's have internet access through PF
I dont see PFBLocker blocking anything for steam. WE can play steam games, its just this one dedicated server.
I dont have UPNP enable, never had too and its not needed for LAN correct? -
So you are using pf as a router between two different lans, with different ip's or you are bridging them?
how about firewall rules, especially any block rfc1918 on any lan interface?post your lan(s) firewall rules and any floating ones too
Ok whats best way to post rules? Just the SS of the page?
1.Cable modem to PF is my only router, then my single LAN is switched using Unifi switches and an AC PRO
2. VPN is only for a few static IP not any I am working with
3. traffic shaping is just the kids, not any ip i am working withNAT - Ports are an alias for 7777~7779 and 27015~27018
Nat Out
@sheen73 So, now it is clear, that there is nothing between pcserver and local pc's
So anything pf is irrelevant.
It could even be switched off (minus any dhcp services, if any)Check your server ip configuration (and MASK) and disable the local firewall altogether as a first steo
Yes if you are trying to access an IP address on your LAN from another client on your LAN then Pfsense has nothing to do with it.
Look at the server firewall. And do not believe it is off just because you clicked an "off button".
Thanks, I was certain it was not PF, glad I now have validation of that! Helps a ton.
I have disabled both PC firewalls continuously. I have the .EXE and ports set to pass. something is blocking communication between PC or the game server is simply not broadcasting on the server port? I cant find that port 7777 is open anywhere.
I really am stumped. What diag tools can I use to see whats going on? I ran firewall logs for both computers and 777 is simply not open.
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> TEst-NetConnection windowsserverIP -port 7777
WARNING: TCP connect to (windows server : 7777) failed
ComputerName : My computer
RemoteAddress : windows server
RemotePort : 7777
InterfaceAlias : Ethernet
SourceAddress : mycomputer
PingSucceeded : True
PingReplyDetails (RTT) : 0 ms
TcpTestSucceeded : False -
@sheen73 If the windows firewall is off, then there is no point allowing the exe.
Make sure you have it off for both private and public networks.As a test, install telnet client on windows server and try connecting to port 7777 localy on the server lan ip (from the server). If it fails, then your problem is elsewhere.
yeah Telnet on server port 7777 27015 fails. Hrm, interesting.
Well I am stumped. I will have to shelve this idea and tackle it another time. Thanks for all the help!
Ok, you are not going to believe this, but I fixed it. Found a random post on the internet suggesting to disable all lan cards not being used. I diabled my hyperv nic and all others not in use and it worked perfectly.