How to pick the best hardware to build a psfsense router
I'm new to pfsense, and I was wondering if anyone could recommend the required hardware to build a pfsense server that I can base on to find the same or similar parts.
This is for a home network. I'm trying to build a robust router that will last a long time (assuming the hardware doesn't break) and won't have issues handling plugins and services. Also, the other requirement is power usage, I want something that would spend the least power.
I'm planning to upgrade the internet connection to 1GB and upgrade the connections from the PCs to the unRAID server to 10GBe.
I know that many would say that I can use a 10GBe switch, but I also want to build a system that can 10GBe connections (internally).
What should I look at to accomplish this build?
Just buy a XG-7100, couple of sfp+ for 10g and there you go..
Very low power, will last you long time, and your sure it will work!
Thanks, I'll base the build based on that configuration.
I know that I didn't specified the budget, but this is around $500 over of what I was planning to spend.