HAProxy not working for root domain, but for subdomains only
I have used HAProxy for some time to host some services locally and SSL offloading in HAProxy.
I have a wildcard cert from LetsEncrypt to take care of this.
Recently, I wanted to host my website as well and added another backend and frontend acl rule for the website with and without www
The website works on http and https from www, but only from http on the root domain. As soon as I want to request the website on the root domain using https, it shows 503 error page from HAProxyHere is my generated HAProxy config
# Automaticaly generated, dont edit manually. # Generated on: 2020-08-20 08:34 global maxconn 1000 stats socket /tmp/haproxy.socket level admin expose-fd listeners uid 80 gid 80 nbproc 1 nbthread 1 hard-stop-after 15m chroot /tmp/haproxy_chroot daemon tune.ssl.default-dh-param 4096 server-state-file /tmp/haproxy_server_state listen HAProxyLocalStats bind name localstats mode http stats enable stats admin if TRUE stats show-legends stats uri /haproxy/haproxy_stats.php?haproxystats=1 timeout client 5000 timeout connect 5000 timeout server 5000 frontend SharedOffload bind name ssl crt-list /var/etc/haproxy/SharedOffload.crt_list mode http log global option http-keep-alive option forwardfor acl https ssl_fc http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto http if !https http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if https timeout client 30000 acl website var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i khansen-it.dk acl exchangeEWS var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i exchange.khansen-it.dk acl exchangeAutodiscover var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i autodiscover.khansen-it.dk acl unifi var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i unifi.khansen-it.dk acl aptMirror var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i deb.khansen-it.dk acl proxmox var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i vm-srv01.khansen-it.dk acl aptMirror var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i mirrors.khansen-it.dk acl mailborder var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i mailborder01.khansen-it.dk acl zabbix var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i zabbix.khansen-it.dk acl behemoth var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i behemoth.khansen-it.dk acl zentyal var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i mail.khansen-it.dk acl www-website var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i www.khansen-it.dk acl aclcrt_SharedOffload var(txn.txnhost) -m reg -i ^([^\.]*)\.khansen-it\.dk(:([0-9]){1,5})?$ http-request set-var(txn.txnhost) hdr(host) use_backend app01_ipvANY if website aclcrt_SharedOffload use_backend exchange_ipvANY if exchangeEWS aclcrt_SharedOffload use_backend zentyal_ipvANY if exchangeAutodiscover aclcrt_SharedOffload use_backend unifi_ipvANY if unifi aclcrt_SharedOffload use_backend apt-mirror-tls_ipvANY if aptMirror aclcrt_SharedOffload use_backend proxmox_ipvANY if proxmox aclcrt_SharedOffload use_backend mailborder_ipvANY if mailborder aclcrt_SharedOffload use_backend zabbix_ipvANY if zabbix aclcrt_SharedOffload use_backend behemoth-pve_ipvANY if behemoth aclcrt_SharedOffload use_backend zentyal_ipvANY if zentyal aclcrt_SharedOffload use_backend app01_ipvANY if www-website aclcrt_SharedOffload frontend SharedHTTP bind name mode http log global option http-keep-alive timeout client 30000 acl website var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i khansen-it.dk acl exchangeEWS var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i exchange.khansen-it.dk acl exchangeAutodiscover var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i autodiscover.khansen-it.dk acl proxmox var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i vm-srv01.khansen-it.dk acl aptMirror var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i deb.khansen-it.dk acl aptMirror var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i mirrors.khansen-it.dk acl sql1 var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i sql1.khansen-it.dk acl zentyal var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i mail.khansen-it.dk acl mailguardian-acme var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i mailguardian.khansen-it.dk acl www-website var(txn.txnhost) -m str -i www.khansen-it.dk http-request set-var(txn.txnhost) hdr(host) use_backend app01_ipvANY if website use_backend exchange-acme_ipvANY if exchangeEWS use_backend zentyal_ipvANY if exchangeAutodiscover use_backend proxmox-acme_ipvANY if proxmox use_backend apt-mirror_ipvANY if aptMirror use_backend sql1-acme_ipvANY if sql1 use_backend zentyal_ipvANY if zentyal use_backend mailguardian-acme_ipvANY if mailguardian-acme use_backend app01_ipvANY if www-website backend app01_ipvANY mode http id 125 log global timeout connect 30000 timeout server 30000 retries 3 server app01 id 126 backend exchange_ipvANY mode http id 100 log global timeout connect 30000 timeout server 30000 retries 3 server exchange id 101 ssl verify none crt /var/etc/haproxy/server_clientcert_5e8f8a187170e.pem backend zentyal_ipvANY mode http id 120 log global timeout connect 30000 timeout server 30000 retries 3 server zentyal id 121 ssl verify none backend unifi_ipvANY mode http id 102 log global timeout connect 30000 timeout server 30000 retries 3 server unifi id 103 ssl verify none crt /var/etc/haproxy/server_clientcert_5e8f8a187170e.pem backend apt-mirror-tls_ipvANY mode http id 124 log global timeout connect 30000 timeout server 30000 retries 3 server behemoth id 105 ssl verify none crt /var/etc/haproxy/server_clientcert_5e8f8a187170e.pem backend proxmox_ipvANY mode http id 106 log global timeout connect 30000 timeout server 30000 retries 3 server proxmox id 107 ssl verify none crt /var/etc/haproxy/server_clientcert_5e8f8a187170e.pem backend mailborder_ipvANY mode http id 112 log global timeout connect 30000 timeout server 30000 retries 3 server mailborder01 id 113 backend zabbix_ipvANY mode http id 114 log global timeout connect 30000 timeout server 30000 retries 3 server zabbix id 115 backend behemoth-pve_ipvANY mode http id 116 log global timeout connect 30000 timeout server 30000 retries 3 server proxmox id 107 ssl verify none crt /var/etc/haproxy/server_clientcert_5e8f8a187170e.pem backend exchange-acme_ipvANY mode http id 110 log global timeout connect 30000 timeout server 30000 retries 3 server exchange-acme id 111 backend proxmox-acme_ipvANY mode http id 108 log global timeout connect 30000 timeout server 30000 retries 3 server proxmox-acme id 109 backend apt-mirror_ipvANY mode http id 104 log global timeout connect 30000 timeout server 30000 retries 3 server behemoth id 105 backend sql1-acme_ipvANY mode http id 117 log global timeout connect 30000 timeout server 30000 retries 3 server sql1-acme id 109 backend mailguardian-acme_ipvANY mode http id 122 log global timeout connect 30000 timeout server 30000 retries 3 server mailguardian id 123
Can anyone see from the config, what is wrong?
Please note that I have replaced my public IP with -
The "aclcrt_SharedOffload" seems to require a subdomain specified..
Have you checked both boxes for the automatic SNI / and SNI-Alternative-name checks.? Or perhaps just remove both those check-boxes that l probably work.. -
I got the same issue, how did you resolve this?
Don't ask, read..
If the certificate is valid for the root domain, then its probably due to the acl's that get added, either check both boxes for checking subject/san, or uncheck them that should allow traffic to pass to the (default) backend. That is assuming you have indeed the same issue, if not, start a different topic please.