URLs auto update aws ip
Pfsense version: 2.4.5
Hi All,
We use curl to get the aws ip lists and setup a url alias in pfsense.
curl -k -s https://ip-ranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json" | /usr/local/bin/jq -r '.prefixes[]|.ip_prefix > /var/www/http/awsipIn the pfsense table, we can see 2371 records for aws only. In the curl result, we can count 3254 records, Is it any limitation in pfsense alias table?
Please advise.
Not in that way. Are all the items in the list valid subnets?
They appear to be in the breif test I did here.
Ah looks like a limit with not using a table alias. Make sure that alias is set as type
URL Table (IPs)
This post is deleted! -
Checked the IP list, there are some duplicated IP addresses in AWS IP list. Pfsense do not import the duplicated IP addresses.Thanks!