Bootsequence hangs at „Synchronizing User Settings“
I currently have a problem with my pfsense in version 2.4.5-RELEASE-p1. I only use the local database for User login. When I restart the server the boot process hangs at "Synchronizing user settings". At this position it hangs for about 12 minutes. We have about 500 users. In the past the booting has worked without problems. Is there a debug mode or a log where I can see what the problem is? Or does anyone have an idea how I can fix the problem ?
@Knolli said in Bootsequence hangs at „Synchronizing User Settings“:
Is there a debug mode or a log where I can see what the problem is? Or does anyone have an idea how I can fix the problem ?
I tend to say : yes.
Consider :
File /etc/rc.bootup :
..... echo "Synchronizing user settings..."; local_reset_accounts(); echo "done.\n"; .....
So everything happens in the function "local_reset_accounts();".
It's here : /etc/inc/ :
..... function local_reset_accounts() { global $debug, $config; /* remove local users to avoid uid conflicts */ $fd = popen("/usr/sbin/pw usershow -a", "r"); if ($fd) { while (!feof($fd)) { ......
If you set
$debug = true;
right after the
global $debug, $config;
line there will be more output during the boot.
The function "function local_reset_accounts()" throws out every user except 'admin'.
All groups are also discarded.
Then they are put back in from the config.xml file.
Most of the work is done by the native command line tools/programs like 'pw' etc.I didn't test this. But believe me, settings $debug = true; won't "kill" you system.
Check also your file system (the the recent Youtube Netgate fsck check video) - and check if disk space is ok.
500 users on pfSense : your using a captive portal ?
What about using a FreeRadius solution (externalize the user handling) ? -
Great, that was the solution.
Now, the system works fine.
Thanks a lot. -
You saw the issue ?
What was it ? -
I‘m not quite sure. I made the entry and the system didn‘t hang at this point anymore. I have removed the entry after afterwards and the system is running properly. I have consulted my programmer about this, he assumes that this debug mode might have caused the file to be recompiled. Can this be the solution?