Weird WAN Issue
Hello all,
I've been having odd WAN issues that only happens during boot. It either takes a very long time for WAN address to be obtained, doesn't obtain an address at all or requires me rebooting PFSense multiple times before it will obtain an address.
I troubleshoot the ONT from my ISP. I am able to receive a DHCP address when connected to my laptop without issue. I tested the cable and it came back just fine. Plugged back into PFSense box and bam still no internet. From the console, I tried to reassign the WAN to DHCP to force it to auto-renew. Still nothing. Rebooted 7 times back to back, no internet, and no errors during boot. Performed a hard shutdown of the PFSense box then restarted it back up normally and now I am finally seeing an error on the screen. (see image below). After filesystem cleaner completed. I was able to obtain a WAN Address.
Losing the WAN address seems to happen every time I reboot or shut down the system. Even if there was no brownout. I don't get a WAN Address majority of the time on the first boot and requires multiple boots to obtain one.
I did some reading online and found an article that stated changing WAN interface off automatic and to default may fix the error. However, it did not.
I'm starting to suspect may be a bad hard drive but the file checker comes back clean, and I noticed if I run a file checker, the PFSense boots with a WAN address the first time after a check.
Not really sure what to do from here. My next steps are to remove the internal hard drive and perform a diag on it to see if it is bad or not. If that fails, I may just wipe/reload the box.
However, I'd still like to boil down what is causing this problem. It is very annoying and if I run into it again I don't think the "wipe/reload" should be an official answer to the problem...
I did notice at times when I manually reset the WAN connection I did receive a "connection UP" status but IP address being obtained was The issue seems very similar to what this user posted about, but no resolution was ever marked. (however this doesn't happen very often)
When I check the PFSense logs. I see the following below errors . And yes I have looked but errors 65 on the pfesense documentation. None of those appears to be the direct issue. The only thing I can think of is maybe the port on the NIC is bad, but I tried to swap it out with port#4 and it made no difference.
Gateway Errors:
Nov 12 00:02:09dpingersend_interval 500ms loss_interval 2000ms time_period 60000ms report_interval 0ms data_len 1 alert_interval 1000ms latency_alarm 500ms loss_alarm 20% dest_addr bind_addr identifier "WAN_DHCP "
Nov 11 20:48:05dpingerWAN_DHCP Alarm latency 0us stddev 0us loss 100%
Nov 11 19:12:52dpingerWAN_DHCP Clear latency 1435us stddev 1014us loss 6%
Nov 11 19:11:20dpingerWAN_DHCP Alarm latency 2219us stddev 3153us loss 21%
Nov 11 18:19:49dpingerWAN_DHCP sendto error: 65
Routing Errors:
Nov 11 23:55:05miniupnpd18591Failed to get ip address for interface igb1
Nov 11 23:55:05miniupnpd18591ioctl(s, SIOCGIFADDR, ...): Can't assign requested address
Nov 11 23:55:04miniupnpd18591PCPSendUnsolicitedAnnounce() sendto(): No route to host
Nov 24 15:05:09 syslogd sendto: Host is down
Nov 24 14:46:01 miniupnpd 11766 PCPSendUnsolicitedAnnounce() IPv6 sendto(): Bad file descriptor
Nov 24 14:46:01 miniupnpd 11766 PCPSendUnsolicitedAnnounce() sendto(): No route to host
Nov 24 14:46:01 miniupnpd 11766 SendNATPMPPublicAddressChangeNotification: sendto(s_udp=10, port=5351): No route to host
Nov 24 14:46:01 miniupnpd 11766 PCPSendUnsolicitedAnnounce() IPv6 sendto(): Bad file descriptor
Nov 24 14:46:01 miniupnpd 11766 PCPSendUnsolicitedAnnounce() sendto(): No route to host
Nov 24 14:46:01 miniupnpd 11766 SendNATPMPPublicAddressChangeNotification: sendto(s_udp=10, port=5351): No route to host
Nov 24 14:46:01 miniupnpd 11766 ioctl(s, SIOCGIFADDR, ...): Can't assign requested address
(what I don't get is how is there no route to host? PFSense is plugged directly to the ONT and I verified the ONT IS functional with a laptop. It is a direct route, also what is "Bad file descriptor"??).
I don't believe the issue is related to the NIC. I tried moving WAN from port 1 to port 4 and get the same issues. LAN on Port 2 and 3 work just fine... ONT isn't the issue as that was tested and proven to work as well. Any other ideas? Is it possible a package or something is causing a conflict?
Also just an FYI. I ran a file check 4 times and it came back clean everytime. It appears if I run a file check then reboot. PFSense will reboot just fine and obtain an IP. But if I don't run a file check, more often then not. It will not obtain an IP until I reboot like 4-8 times in a row.