how to assign default gateway to a gateway group
Hi all,
first of all: my question refers to the older version 2.2-RELEASE. Please answer only if the solution for the following problem is known and they also refer to this or previous versions. I do not want to go into the reasons for this old release. I know the releases from 2.3 on and how this is handled there, but this topic is about the old 2.2-RELEASE version. Thanks for understanding.
There are two WAN interfaces, both up and functioning in use. WAN1 is configured as default gateway. On the pfSense squid proxy is used and DNS resolver. The squid proxy of course uses the default gateway WAN1. Now we want to set up failover in one direction only, i.e. if WAN1 fails, WAN2 should take over for the squid and DNS resolver so that the clients can continue to surf the Internet.
I have created a gateway group called "failover" but: I find absolutely no way to change the current default gateway WAN1 to the gateway group failover.
how the heck do I get the pfSense to use the group "failover" for the squid and DNS resolver instead of WAN1?
any help appreciated.
You can't. Upgrade.
@jimp is this a bug or something non-working in general? How did the rest of the world manage this in the past? I cannot imagine that this wasn't available to pfSense users for so many years and not known to the devs.
It wasn't supported back then. That is ancient.