OVH vrack and VLANS
After being struggling for quite a long time, I'd like to know if someone around here has managed to make pfSense + ovh + vrack + vlans to work.
It's worth noting that the pfSense instance is virtualized under Xen, and not running over a physical instance.
In pfSense I had to manually make some trickery on /etc/int/ to allow the GUI to associate a VLAN to a parent interface: returning always true in the "is_jumbo_capable" function; this is needed because, if not, as those virtual interfaces don't support jumbo frames, they are not recognized as valid vlan capable interfaces by pfSense.
I basically have a pfSense OPT (xn2) interface with a VLAN (5) associated to it (xn2.5), bound to the private network interface of the physical instance, a network in Xen bound to the same vlan also under the private interface, and a test vm associated to the Xen network bounded to the vlan with an IP in the same subnet that pfSense's xn2 interface. From the moment the vm finishes to boot, I can see in pfSense, with tcpdump, arp requests from the IP of the vm (which means "something" is at least arriving to pfsense). But in the vm the arp entry for the pfSense IP is <incomplete>, and in pfSense's arp table, no info about the vm's IP at all. Needless to say, no communication of any kind under any protocol (no arp no nothing, obviously).
OVH support is not so opened to deliver help Xen related, only VMWare.
Where are you running tcpdump? On xn2 directly? Is the vlan tag correct on the incoming ARP traffic?
You have disabled all the hardware off loading you can? Could be some hardware VLAN stuff breaking things.