lan port on backup recently loose its static ip and take the vip lan
Hi all,
i have recently problem with my setup
i have two PFsense instances on ProLiant DL20 Gen9 with two onboard network ports and two four ports cards (HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331T Adapter) each
i had the two instances working from three years
recently the backup instances changed the lan static ip (assigned to vip ( and when it finds conflict it changes to (
as attached imagesi don't know what cause this
they worked fine till last week
i disabled syncing vip from master to backup and all remaining options are on and syncing
ia also changed vhid from 2 (old setting) to 60 (new settings)
and when i turned on vip sync , the backup instance changed the lan ip to vip address
and other interfaces remain same and working and vip on other interfaces worked normally
i can access the gui from the others interfaces normally but not from lan