SIP hardware (OBi) working behind two firewalls (service provider and pfsense)
I'm not sure what I need to do to get VOIP to work behind the netgate.
Setup A - Inside second firewall (not working)
(Internet) --external IP 99.x.x.x-- (Internet Modem/Router/FW Combo) --internal IP, 10.x.x.x-- (netgate) --Internal network 192.168.0.x-- (OBi200, with IP Service Status
Status Connecting to;Token ErrorOBiTALK Service Status
Status Acquiring Service (0);ex-addr= I move it outside of my firewall, it works fine.
Setup B - Outside firewall (working)
(Internet) --external IP 99.x.x.x-- (Internet Modem/Router/FW Combo) --internal IP, 10.x.x.x-- (OBi200, with IP this point, I know it's my firewall's problem, not the OBi. But it's logistically hard - the router is in the basement, too far from the phone, not that excited about running a phone wire around my house if it can be avoided.
It feels like maybe the issue is that it can't get an external IP, but I'm really guessing here. Seems like it should "just work".
I'm guessing that because of the status message, when it fails it shows the internal IP Status"ex-addr=" and when it works, it shows my external IP "ex-addr=99.x.x.x:10000(10000)"
I'm using NAT for port 10000 to the OBi, but I know that is not required since it works w/o that in setup B.
I'm using Google Voice if that matters.
What do I need to do on the second firewall to make this work?
Thanks for any help -
@nycynik Did you ever figure this out? I just got an Obi-302 and can not get it to work behind an AT&T BWG-320 in pass through mode and then a pfsense firewall. Ooma worked fine but this doesn't.
@3Texans By any chance, did you get it to work? I moved from Ubi Edge router Lite to PfSense and Obi200 GV config is broken for me. Would really appreciate if you could throw some lights in case if you were able to fix it.