Not round robin
I have 2 dsl connections that are roughly the same bandwidth. I have it configured for load balancing and failover with the load balance at the top. Both are set to tier 1 in the load balance group and both are online with similar ping times, etc. Wan 2 is regularly getting pegged at the max bandwidth of 16m while Wan 1 rarely goes over 2. When I look at the traffic totals for the last day Wan 1 is half Wan 2... Sticky sessions is not enabled. What in the world am I missing? I do have a traffic shaper and have the total of the 2 lines configured for the lan interface and the upload speeds(slightly different) configured for each wan interface.
I feel like I have gone over it with a fine tooth comb and not seeing issues with the config but I feel like I must be missing something.
@nwardoh You don't happen to have a higher weighted value for WAN2 in System > Routing?
I don't what you mean by "not round-robin". If WAN1 and WAN2 are both set to tier 1 in a group, they are treated as round-robin.
I don't mess with the load balancing/traffic shaper. I am just thinking out-loud here... After reading this: sounds like somehow individual connections with heavier traffic are being guided to use WAN2 or WAN1. Or if only a single device is being used to test upload/download it could appear to favor one interface if it only uses a single connection.
@hieroglyph they were set the same. Over the course of 24 hours it evened back out.