Message booting and openvpn clients don't work
I upgraded my pfsense to 21.02-RELEASE
the message :
"Netgate pfSense Plus is booting, then packages will be reinstalled in the background.Do not make changes in the GUI until this is complete."
Still there alive forever and my openvpn clients connect but don't access anywhere
Same problem here!
All OpenVPN and IPSec connections not working anymore!
Any Idea guys?
There seems to be an issue with Wireguard VPNs too, whereby the first client/peer that you configure works fine, but any subsequent ones have the same symptoms - they connect fine, but no traffic passes.
If you take an export of the first (working) connection and import it on the other devices, they then work too, albeit with the same public key which isn't great.
Maybe all these VPN problems have a common issue/cause?
@manicmoose said in Message booting and openvpn clients don't work:
There seems to be an issue with Wireguard VPNs too, whereby the first client/peer that you configure works fine, but any subsequent ones have the same symptoms - they connect fine, but no traffic passes.
If you take an export of the first (working) connection and import it on the other devices, they then work too, albeit with the same public key which isn't great.
Maybe all these VPN problems have a common issue/cause?Syncing OpenVPN settings...Enter Auth Password
Maybe but now presently I have 25 OpenVPN's users down, and it's really not cool in a COVID-19 world :-(
@snoopyski said in Message booting and openvpn clients don't work:
Maybe but now presently I have 25 OpenVPN's users down, and it's really not cool in a COVID-19 world :-(
there was a client with a blank password. I fixed this
But, the problem continues, he can't access anything -
It's a TLS key negotiation error
the packages from openvpn don't route to my ipsec, I dont't have any idea