Snort: Are Blocked IP addressed logged after they are released again
Snort releases the IP addresses of blocked hosts after 60 minutes. Once they are released I cannot see there IP addresses using the webGUI. Can I find them in a logfile or whatsoever?
Snort releases the IP addresses of blocked hosts after 60 minutes. Once they are released I cannot see there IP addresses using the webGUI. Can I find them in a logfile or whatsoever?
The Ips are logged in the alerts tab.
Moreove, you can go to the advanced tab and send alerts to the system log.
Hmmm, I've looked at the advanced tab, but what do I need to fill in there to send the alerts to the system log?
Hmmm, I've looked at the advanced tab, but what do I need to fill in there to send the alerts to the system log?
Goto Advanced tab -> and check the Send alerts to main System logs -> Click save and restart snort.
jamesdean I turned out that I didn't have the latest version of snort installed