potential bug (found a thread saying to make a post)
okay, so I have a rather bad problem now as of last night in pfsense, I can explain some of what happened before my issues arose today, and now I'm still trying to clean up after it and get working internet again.
I HAD been using the latest pfsense version of pfblockerNG_devel, and found that suppression lists did not exist in it for some reason, so I uninstalled, telling it to keep my settings and data, and then installed the non devel version of pfblockerNG (might have missed something, not sure if I should have told it to delete my data if doing that or not, but I'll willingly admit thats on me and that is definitely how this played out)
so I install the stable version of pfblockerNG, and tell it to update/force reload, and things seem to go fine, until I notice a bit later last night/this morning at like 2am EST, that now dns resolver has died/stopped running... find out after digging into it, its now having a stroke and finding config parameters out of the ordinary making it literally kill itself, after restoring from a backup config, I'm still fighting with some strange issues, currently seeming to present themselves by squid proxy no longer working right, I think its squid given my cell phone bypasses squid and I still ahve working internet from my phone, but not from my pcsso, short version is, I might have messed up and not removed important things to remove when going from pfblockerNG devel to non devel version, but in doing so, that literally murdered unbound in the process, seemingly it left things in the /var/unbound/pfblocker.conf file that then made unbound crap itself and die in the process.
I am no longer running the version of my config from this morning before I THINK I fixed it, but the config file still exists on my server if someone needs that, aka I did not delete the bad config, might have to try hard to figure out which one it is though, but I have it if needed, and if anything else is needed for this please let me know and I'll try and figure out how to get it in the meantime.